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The Córdoba City Council constitutes the Permanent Equality Commission

The City Council of Córdoba, through the Equality delegation, has brought together the coordinators and general directors of the different delegations in order to establish the Permanent Equality Commission and activate the work plans to advance the objectives set in the III Plan Gender Transversal.

At the meeting, chaired by the Equality delegate Marian Aguilar, priorities were assessed in the inclusion of initiatives that provide a greater gender perspective in the delegations’ projects. To do this, they had the participation of the Equality Service, which clarified possible doubts in this regard in order to facilitate the redefinition of the new work plan to be developed from now on.

Among the objectives, the creation of working groups of municipal personnel for the development, monitoring and coordination of operational projects of the III Strategic Plan of the different areas of municipal competence has been addressed.

He III Strategic Plan of the city of Córdoba It is the strategic orientation document of the municipal policy for Gender Equality and contains the development for the period 2024-2027. With the objective of mainstreaming the gender perspective in policies, measures and projects, it is based on four major axles:

  1. City free of violence against women
  2. Co-responsible educating city
  3. Participatory city in equality
  4. Governance with a gender perspective

These four axes inspire the four strategic objectives to be achieved through 46 specific objectives whose development is operationalized through 52 action measures. The plan is part of and based on the legislative framework, both international and regional, that involves all public administrations in achieving effective equality between men and women.

For Marian Aguilar, with this formal constitution of the table and the defined lines of the plan, “We are moving towards a more equal Cordoba”arguing that “the Local Government continues in its commitment to incorporate the gender perspective in municipal management in a transversal way, since it is the only way to improve the quality of life of all citizens.”


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