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Navarro says that the goal is to boost the country’s growth

This Wednesday, the annual meeting of partners of the Manufacturing Development Society (Sofofa), where the president of the union, Rosario Navarro, made her first public account, where she emphasized the relevance of economic growth, and stressed the importance of increasing investment and formal employment. Likewise, the union will promote an agenda to achieve that objective.

“From Sofofa we will continue to rebel against a trend economic growth of 2%. We will work to ensure that our economy grow again more than 4%“said the president of the union in her presentation.

And then he added that “we will continue to be a voice that contributes and summonswithout complexes to transmit the transformative energy of the company in society and its ability to develop the potential of people.”

To achieve this growth goal, the business community will promote a agenda of six priority topics. One of the pillars is to recover competitiveness, for which the union aims to “reduce the tax on taxes” in the coming months. first category from 27% to 23% and that the total tax paid by the capital drops to 35%.”

Another pillar is to promote a pro-private investment environment. For this, they indicate that it is necessary to create spaces so that projects such as sectoral permits go along those lines. And they insisted on the need to reform the political system.

Within the agenda it is also considered a new export impulse. For this, “the work of the union will be deepened to reposition the importance of foreign trade; promote the opening of new markets, promoting strongly export services; and generate new business opportunities to recover the weight of our exports in the GDP.”

The fourth pillar is a new economy. For this it will be sought that through greater presence of private companies in industries such as lithium and green hydrogen, significant increases in production are achieved. Another point is security for progress. In this sense, they pointed out that the creation of networks between companies “that operate in the same territories so that they share information” will be encouraged. on patterns of criminal behavior and optimize the use of resources. Also, experiences from other countries in this matter will be gathered.”

The last point on the agenda has to do with committed companies, for which “work will be done to raise evidence of Sofofa’s work and show the contribution, impact and social commitment of companies to Chile and its future.”

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