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The Federal seizes a large amount of marijuana in Mendoza

The Federal Police seized drugs in Mendoza.

The investigation had its genesis in November of last year, following a letter issued by the Federal Prosecutor’s Office of San Rafael by Dr. Ignacio Sabbas, Criminal Secretariat of Dr. Analuz Vélez through which he requested the performance of investigative tasks regarding still man who would be dedicated to traffickingdistribution and sale of narcotics, from the city of Mendoza to San Rafael.

Attentive to this, various intelligence tasks were carried out that involved field tasks and telephone tapping, which made it possible to establish that a man, together with a woman, were supplying themselves with illicit substances from the city of Mendoza by an alternative route until reaching San Rafael, where they supplied them at retail to various businesses under the facade of “kiosks”.

Consequently, the Federal Court of First Instance of San Rafael, Province of Mendoza, in charge of Dr. Eduardo A. Puigdéngolas, Criminal Secretary of Dr. Damián Bernales (Substitute) ordered the implementation of a strategic control based on the data collected on Provincial Route No. 153 at the height of Paraje Guadales, where a private vehicle driven by the suspect and his partner was stopped.

When carrying out the search with the help of the dogdrug detector “Achilles”who made a positive mark on a box located in the back seat of the vehicle, the existence of eight packages of marijuana with a total weight of six kilograms, thirty-eight “chalks” of cocaine and a bag with the same substance yielding a total weight of seven hundred grams.

Following the procedure carried out and the evidence provided by the federal authorities, the intervening Court ordered the performance of four raids simultaneously, in homes located in the city of San Rafael, linked to the development of the investigation, where three men and a woman, all of legal age, were arrested and more than ten kilos of dopetwo Cannabis Sativa plants, two cars, 103,010 pesos from the sale of narcotics, six cell phones and other items of interest to the cause.

The detainees, along with the seized items, were placed at the disposal of the intervening Magistrate for violation of the drug law.

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