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José Luis Bohórquez responded to César Rincón and two famous #Tolditos7días

In the midst of the storm that arose against the mayor of Duitama, for having demolished the sculpture of the iconic bullfighter César Rincón, the president has been forced not only to come out to explain what happened but even to answer some questions.

“Even if they try to erase history, there will always be a supreme being who will accompany good people. “It is painful to see how ideologies prevail over ignorance,” wrote César Rincón in his X, citing a video that shows the moment in which his sculpture in Duitama is collapsed.

And Bohórquez replied: “I think there is respect for people in the past, they have been able to have some kind of successful life at the time, I think that the entire bullfighting part of the country has been feeling hurt for a long time, I think they feel hurt since the same people stopped going to the stands to celebrate the bulls and the image of the empty ones accompanied them. I think they feel sad since when society started saying that it was wrong to go to these spaces. And the gentleman is right when he expresses with deep respect that our ethical values ​​have changed. I believe that Colombian society says that it is not going to applaud when a bull is killed and dragged away, I believe that we have changed ethically.”

The mayor added: “I think that this is not the issue here, and I say it with all due respect, excuse me for the way in which I respond, but society cannot continue being hypocritical, here are some debates that we young people are proposing, that the forms be different; Nothing more was missing, and if we have to offer excuses we offer them if we have defended someone; but society has made a decision and that decision, we new generations are trying to say that life must be celebrated. I am also concerned that no one talks about the more than a thousand bulls that ended up in that bullring. Where were the ethics and morals in those times? Asked. No, this is from both sides.”

But he also responded to the criticism of María Fernanda Cabal who wrote: “The logic of the leftists in power: they destroy the monument to the bullfighter César Rincón in Duitama; but they exalt the hat of the terrorist Carlos Pizarro of the M-19. The inversion of values ​​is increasingly absurd.”

“Cordial greetings senator, here is the “leftist” mayor. We will no longer drag bulls through the arena, nor will we cut off their ears, nor will we applaud these tortures. If the values ​​were inverted! because those who applauded the torture of the bull no longer have a place. Now it is condemned,” replied Bohórquez. And to the renowned Spanish journalist Salud Hernández who wrote: “They are savages, Taliban, what they don’t like, they destroy. The great teacher César Rincón is above them”, the leader of the hat refuted: “Cheers: Here is the “savage” and “Taliban” mayor of Duitama, who ordered the transfer of the statue. Which was abandoned and in terrible condition. I have a Taliban beard. And as a savage: I’m not the one who applauds when they stick a sword into the bull. I think it’s another…”

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