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What is the prison like near Jujuy where the accused are transferred?

June 27, 2024 – 11:01 By Victoria Marín

On Wednesday afternoon, the federal judge of Goya Cristina Poserpenso determined the transfer of the detainees by the Loan case to federal prisons of the provinces of Jump and Chaco, since the case was transferred to federal Justice after changing the cover.

The establishment of Federal Penitentiary Service (SPF), where the accused will be transferred, is located in the neighboring province of Salta. and last year it recorded a 10% increase in its population between June and September, exceeding its accommodation capacity by 43%. In addition, it houses a pregnant woman and another with her child.

What is the Federal Prison of Salta like?

The NOA III Complex, which opened in July 2011 in the city of General Güemes, has a capacity of 200 places for women and 288 for men. According to a report by the Office of the Prosecutor for Institutional Violence (Procuvin), during that period the number of people held in the establishment in the Valle de Siancas grew by 10%, accentuating the overpopulation problems.

According to data provided at the end of 2023, the NOA III Complex It is the federal penitentiary center in the country with the greatest overpopulation of prisoners.. Already at the end of September it had housed 412 inmates, a number 43% greater than the number of places for men with which it was authorized 12 years ago.

Loan’s disappearance

They were fulfilled 13 days since the disappearance of Loan Danilo Peña, the 5-year-old boy who was last seen on June 13 during a lunch at his grandmother’s house with his father and the accused, in a rural area of ​​the town of 9 de Julio, in Corrientes.

Who are the suspects in the Loan case?

The retired Navy captain Carlos Pérez and the former municipal official María Victoria Caillava are accused, both accused as material co-authors of the acquisition of Loan for the purposes of exploitation. Antonio Benítez and Mónica del Carmen Millapi are accused as primary participants in that crime along with Daniel “Fierrito” Ramírez.

While Commissioner Walter Maciel is accused of concealment by actual favoritism, qualified by the seriousness of the preceding crime and the status of public official of the perpetrator. The case is investigated by Federal Judge Cristina Pozzer Penzo and the Office of the Prosecutor for Human Trafficking and Exploitation. (Protex).

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