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From Pijiño, rector of Unimagdalena asks that Talento Magdalena be public policy

‘The route of opportunities’ arrived in the municipality of Pijiño del Carmen. The rector of the University of Magdalena, Dr. Pablo Vera Salazar, traveled together with an interdisciplinary team through the Magdalena territory to deliver good news and specify commitments with the mayors. This time he signed an alliance with Mayor Orlando Machado Machado.

Vera Salazar recognized the effort and commitment of the first authority of Pijiño del Carmen in catching up with Talento Magdalena and honoring her word with the signing of the agreement that guarantees the support and permanence of 90 beneficiaries of this program.

In addition, he proposed turning Talento Magdalena into public policy. “We hope, with the councilors and the support of everyone, that it becomes public policy so that the next leaders maintain the effort that we make together (…) Mayor, you are not alone, you have the University of Magdalena, which believes that education It is the best investment.”

Given this support, the first authority of the municipality of Sur del Magdalena, Orlando Machado, thanked the Rector of the Alma Mater for the visit and how important it is for Pijiño del Carmen to have high-quality future professionals.

However, the mayor called on the students and beneficiaries of Talento Magdalena. “Be disciplined, dedicate yourself to studying, that was the mission entrusted to you. So that they can be true professionals who are useful not only to their families but to the municipality, the department, Colombia and the entire world.”

Fathers and mothers are a fundamental part of each of the processes of this inclusion program, they are the driving force of their sons and daughters and they are the ones who instill in them the will to advance in the great challenge of being professionals.

It is important to mention that there are already 90 students who are beneficiaries of Talento Magdalena from Pijiño del Carmen, who are currently studying academic programs such as Nursing, Civil Engineering, Psychology, Business Administration, Medicine, among others.

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