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Dismantled criminal gang called ‘Los Maniceros’, in Nariño, has more than 30 criminal records

In an operation, the National Policein coordination with the Attorney General of the Nation, achieved the dismantling of the criminal gang known as “The Maniceros” in the municipality of Tuquerres, Nariño.

This group was designated as the main marketer of narcotics in several neighborhoods of the town.

Objects and drugs seized.

Photo:Nariño Police.

Operation and captures

During the operation, which involved five search and seizure proceedings, was captured five people by court order for the crime of trafficking, manufacture and possession of narcotics. In addition, a person was captured in flagrante delicto for the crime of receiving. Among the items seized were:

  • Cash.
  • Mobile terminal equipment.
  • Three thousand doses of marijuana.
  • Two hundred and fifty doses of coca base.

Context and modus operandi

“Los Maniceros” operated mainly in the neighborhoods San Nicolás, Golgotha ​​One, El Carmen and María Pajuay. The gang used facades as informal transporters, street vendors and the sale of mobile devices to distribute narcotics at home, which allowed them to evade the control of the authorities, especially in the vicinity of the school. Saint Louis.

The dismantling of this gang has a significant impact on reducing drug trafficking in the region. It is estimated that “Los Maniceros” generated approximately 50 million pesos monthly through the marketing and sale of narcotics. With its decline, a decrease in the availability of drugs in the affected areas is expected.

Among those captured are alias “La Manicera”, who was the main coordinator and promoter of stores in the area, and four other individuals known as aliases “Pichoso”, “Edgar”, “Estupiñán” and “Mauro”. These five detainees have a total of 31 notes in the Oral Accusatory Penal System for crimes that include conspiracy to commit a crime, drug trafficking, theft, personal injury, domestic violence, prisoner escape and abusive sexual intercourse with a minor under 14 years of age.

Moment of the raid.

Photo:Nariño Police.

The crimes of trafficking, manufacturing and carrying of narcotics, among others, could result in significant sentences.

Authorities will continue investigations to determine the full extent of this gang’s activities and their connections with other criminal organizations.

The criminal history of those arrested is extensive. The 31 annotations in the Penal System include a variety of serious crimes that reflect the dangerousness and negative impact of these individuals on the community. This history shows a pattern of criminal conduct and an ongoing threat to public safety.

The dismantling of the criminal gang “Los Maniceros” represents significant progress in the fight against drug trafficking in Nariño. The capture of its key members and the seizure of large quantities of drugs considerably weaken criminal operations in the region.

One of those detained at the time of capture.

Photo:Nariño Police.

The authorities have stressed the importance of citizen collaboration in this type of operations and have urged the community to continue reporting criminal activities through the single line of emergency 123. The timely complaint of citizens was crucial to the success of this operation.



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