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Peace has the smile of the Solaneña woman

In Bahía Solano, the film forum “Peace has the smile of the Solana woman” was held, and the report “Together for peace in Chocó” was presented. How is the implementation of the gender measures of the Peace Agreement going in five municipalities of Chocó” of the Local Committee that monitors compliance with 24 measures in Bahía Solano, El Carmen de Atrato, Istmina, Medio San Juan and Quibdó.

At the meeting, the documentary “Together for Peace of Chocó” was screened, and the findings found during this research process on how the implementation of prioritized gender measures is progressing were presented.

The event was moderated by the promoters of the Bahía Solano Local Monitoring Committee, and included the participation of civil society and institutions: the municipal mayor’s office was represented by the Women’s Office and the youth coordinator; there were also representatives of the Ombudsman’s Office, the Municipal Victims’ Roundtable, educational institutions and grassroots social organizations.

The reactions to the documentary were positive and expressed the importance of women participating in these spaces where very little is said about the peace process and how women have been the most affected by the armed conflict.

For their part, the representatives of the Local Monitoring Committee presented the meaning of this report from a gender, ethnic and territorial perspective.

Yussely Aguilar, Diana Machuca and Yesenia Rivas, promoters of the Committee, mentioned the importance of integrating Bahía Solano, Nuquí and Juradó in monitoring the implementation of the gender measures of the Peace Agreement in the North Pacific subregion.

The promoter Diana Machuca emphasized in relation to the political participation of women that there is little progress in the implementation of the gender measures of this point of the Agreement; Even more so, in the case of indigenous women, they have little representation in the participation scenarios of Chocó and the Nation.

Regarding the solution to the problem of illicit drugs, the promoter Yesenia Rivas called for the implementation of the Mental Health Policy and the Comprehensive Policy for the Prevention and Care of the Consumption of Psychoactive Substances in Chocó, since it has not been implemented due to lack of administrative acts. , so the consumption of illegal substances in young people continues to affect both them and their families.

In the interventions it was stated that the institutions have had little political will to direct their actions and investments towards compliance with the Peace Agreement in the department. It is not clear if the problem is due to lack of knowledge, lack of human and financial resources, or lack of technical support from the nation. The importance of space was highlighted for institutions to focus on these issues. However, at the end of the day, each member of the institutional community committed to disseminating and ensuring that women’s rights are guaranteed in the implementation of the points of the Peace Agreement.

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