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Minimums of two degrees below zero are coming in the AMBA and it could snow in Mar del Plata

He winter It came with everything. The calendar marked this week the formal beginning of the season coldest of the year and the temperatures dropped substantially to the point of forgetting that streak of mild days that had made the month of June more bearable. Now him Weather forecast of the National Metereological Service (SMN) anticipates a cold end of the month.

Cap? Yes. Scarf? Also. Gloves, thermal shirt and a vintage balaclava? Yes, yes and yes. Every resource will be valid to put together the wardrobe for these next few days in the City of Buenos Aires. The thing is the minimums will go down until they touch 2 degrees and the thermals could be even lower. In some localities of Greater Buenos Aires, meanwhile, on Sunday temperatures will be below zero.

Added to this is that this June 27 There are seven provinces under alert due to extreme cold and that in some cities on the Atlantic Coast, such as Mar del Plata and Villa Gesell, it could snow during the weekend.

Let’s go in parts. This Thursday is the friendliest day of the week for the people of Buenos Aires and Buenos Aires, who in the afternoon will be able to enjoy the sunshine and a maximum that will rise to 17 degrees.


What the National Weather Service anticipated for the weekend.

But starting tomorrow the thermometer is going to collapse. The SMN forecast anticipates that on Friday the minimum will be 8 degrees and the maximum will be just 12. The clouds will gain ground in the AMBA sky, but there is no chance of rain.

Extreme cold will be felt over the weekend in the AMBA area. Photo: Luciano Thieberger.

The bad news arrives for the weekend, when the polar wave will be felt (very much) in the Capital and the Conurbano. The minimum temperature on Saturday will be just two degrees and the same will happen on Sunday.. The maximum temperatures will also be low – 10 and 12 degrees, respectively – and there is no precipitation announced by the SMN either.

The most complicated forecasts come for some locations in Greater Buenos Aires. In Luján, for example, The minimums will break the zero barrier and will be -1° all weekend. The same thing will happen in Zárate on Sunday. In Ezeiza. Cañuelas, Moreno, Merlo and San Miguel, among others, there will be a floor of 2 degrees below zero on Sunday.

Next week? The extended forecast foresees a cold morning for Monday, when the children start their school week, with a floor of 6 degrees, although slowly the thermometer seems to be moving away from the most extreme minimums.

Mar del Plata and other beaches could have snow on Saturday

Low temperatures will be felt very strongly in part of the Atlantic Coast with rain and temperatures below zero. Especially on Saturday morning, when the SMN focuses on the possibility that it could snow in the Mar del Plata area with very low thermal sensation and showers in the afternoon. For Friday, almost constant showers and temperatures that will range between 5 and 8 degrees are forecast.

The cold and snow may arrive on Saturday in Mar del Plata. Photo: Telam

Other beach towns are also warned for snow on Saturday. Such is the case of Villa Gesell, Santa Clara, Mar Chiquita, Miramar and Necochea.

Only on Sunday, that part of the Coast will have respite. There will be highs of 14 degrees and no rain is forecast during the day.

Weather forecast: Seven provinces under yellow alert for extreme cold on June 27

The Patagonian region is the one that has been suffering the most from extreme cold with strong winds and almost constant snow with several roads cut off due to snow accumulation. However, this Thursday some regions that had been punished will feel relief in this regard. Especially the area of ​​Neuquén and Río Negro that had been very compromised.

However, the SMN issued a yellow alert to seven provinces where the cold will be felt very strong. In the south, much of Santa Cruz will feel the rigor of the low temperatures, as will Tierra del Fuego.

But, the strong cold will not be felt only there. A part of Misiones is also alerted. The other provinces that will be affected by the extreme cold are La Rioja; part of Córdoba; some locations in San Luis; and much of San Juan.

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