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HIV testing and activities in Corrientes

National HIV Testing Day is an opportunity for everyone to know their HIV status. HIV testing can be the gateway to preventing other Sexually Transmitted Infections (STIs) and comprehensive sexual and reproductive health care.

In Corrientes, activities and testing will be carried out in the following locations. In addition, AHF Argentina Activities will be carried out in other parts of the country.

  • Currents: next to Red Diversa Ctes, in Plaza Cabral between Junín and San Lorenzo from 6 to 9 p.m.
  • Itati: together with the Itatí Diversity Foundation on the Diversity Walk (Castor de León and Obispo Luis María) from 7 to 9 p.m.

40% of new HIV diagnoses had or had had Syphilis

There is a close link between HIV diagnosis and the prevalence of other STIs, such as syphilis. 15% of new HIV diagnoses were also positive for syphilis. This data is derived from the care provided by AHF Argentina (AIDS Healthcare Foundation), in its Community Sexual Health Centers in Buenos Aires and Rosario, so far in 2024. The percentage rises to 40% if we take both new diagnoses of syphilis and those with a history of previous infection. In addition, the more advanced the stage of the infection, the The higher the chances of having a diagnosis of other STIs such as syphilis.

National HIV Testing Day is an opportunity for everyone to know their HIV status. AHF Argentina will carry out activities in 30 points in the country, together with allied organizations, where rapid, safe, free and confidential HIV and syphilis tests will be carried out; Free condoms will be given and information on prevention and sexual health will be provided. In Buenos Aires, the meeting point will be the AHF Argentina Sexual Health Community Center, located at San Martín 899, CABA; and in Rosario on Av. Pellegrini 341. The HIV test can be the gateway to the prevention of other Sexually Transmitted Infections (STI) and comprehensive care of Sexual and Reproductive Health. To know all the activities you can enter

From the organization, highlight the importance of combined prevention, which includes counseling and testing for HIV and STIs, provision of condoms and lubricating gels in friendly spaces for key populations, to know the general status regarding sexual health. “We must break down stigmas and approach the health system, which is why we invite everyone to get tested for HIV and syphilis. Taking the rapid test takes only 15 minutes, does not require fasting, is free and confidential,”expressed the Director of Prevention and Testing of AHF Argentina, Natalia Haag.

Those who come to the activities promoted by AHF will be able to know their status in relation to HIV, syphilis and other STIs, the first step to joining the health system.. “One of our main goals is for all people to know their serological status, to do their general medical check-ups and to take care of their sexual and reproductive health. And so, if necessary, they can access adequate comprehensive treatment, whether for HIV or other STIs. “Enjoying sexual health knowing how we feel is essential,” Haag added.

Having an early diagnosis can make a difference in people’s quality of life, as well as prevent the transmission of HIV and other infections. In many cases, with appropriate treatment it is possible to achieve an undetectable HIV viral load and, therefore, untransmittable (I=I). For this reason, AHF Argentina offers a comprehensive response to Sexually Transmitted Infections and HIV, in its Sexual Health Centers in Buenos Aires and Rosario, and soon in Mar del Plata.


  • The rapid HIV test does not require fasting beforehand and results are obtained in 15 minutes.
  • A finger prick and a small amount of blood is enough to detect the antibody load.
  • The result is private and no one can force you to share it.
  • There is a “window period” of one month, during which antibodies may not be detected. If you had a risky practice and took the test within that period, the result may be “non-reactive”; It is advisable to repeat the test after 4 weeks.
  • Whatever the result, the condom should always be used correctly throughout the sexual act, even during foreplay.

About AHF Argentina (AIDS Healthcare Foundation)

AHF Argentina provides a comprehensive response to Sexually Transmitted Infections and HIV. Advocates for quality in clinical care; for access to early and cutting-edge treatment; and that the necessary medicines remain free and continuously available throughout the country.

To fulfill its mission, it develops diverse programs in three axes:

– Prevention: through rapid testing for HIV and syphilis and the free distribution of condoms.

– Quality in clinical care: through various tools that seek to maintain adherence to treatment and assistance to the health system, and the involvement of a multidisciplinary team (psychologists, social workers, counselors) for comprehensive care of the person who lives with HIV.

– Political advocacy: monitoring of the political agenda to intervene in improving the quality of life of people with HIV. To learn more about AHF Argentina:; Find us on Facebook: follow us on Twitter: @ahfargentina and Instagram: @AHFargentina

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