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“It would be very illogical” to eliminate the free importation of food and medicine to Cuba

Cuban comedian Ulises Toirac published a message on Facebook referring to the expiration of the deadline for free and unlimited entry of essential products to Cuba.

“Today I woke up with a sudden thought: after the 30th, the customs provisions in Cuba regarding import facilities for food and medicine cease,” he wrote on that social network.

The well-known comedian of the island considered that “it would be very very illogical in the conditions in which the country finds itself, doomed to another epidemiological crisis, which finds hospitals without supplies and a population without the possibility of acquiring what is necessary,” if this measure were not expanded. .

“Medicines would skyrocket (even more) on the black market. And, on the other hand… food… for what… I don’t know. It seems crazy to me. Think about it”, sentenced.

Toirac’s post was filled with comments. Sandra Schmidt wrote: “I get the impression that they are going to extend it. I saw a note from Puentes de Amor asking the Cuban government to extend the exception for paying tariffs for medicines, food and personal hygiene.”

Carlos Herrera Rodríguez, for his part, pointed out: “And recently they confiscated medicines in Customs and I wonder: if the state does not guarantee the medicines of the people, then it lets individuals import the medicines and thus be able to at least have the option to buy them”

Is the free importation of food, medicine and hygiene to Cuba ending?

As indicated in the comedian’s post, on June 30th the validity of the provision that authorizes free importation without limits in terms of quantity ends. of medicines, food and hygiene.

Last March, the Cuban government confirmed its decision to extend it just 4 days before the end of the rule’s validity period.


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