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What you need to know about the second day of this Thursday

This Thursday June 27the Business Chamber of Urban Developers of Córdoba (Ceduc) carries out the second and last day of Project Córdoba 2024 II Development and Construction Foruma space that is in its second edition and that brings together the entire development chain.

On Wednesday, the inauguration was led by Roque Lenti, president of Ceduc; Daniel Passerini, the mayor of Córdoba; Juan Tillard, general manager of The voice (media partner of the event) and Sebastián Lazcano, Commercial and Marketing manager of The voice; provincial officials, mayors of Greater Córdoba and the interior province, and development and real estate businessmen.

The voice is media partner of the mega event.

Wednesday, June 26, 2024, 7:39 p.m.

An active agenda for this Thursday, June 27

This Thursday, June 27, the second and last day of Proyectar Córdoba 2024 II Development and Construction Forum will take place, which includes a fairly active agenda.

In the morning, several exhibitions were held. Sebastián Rivero spoke about Strategic Thinking in Real Estate: The power of Behavioral Economics. Then Lucas Bergo, president of the Chamber of Real Estate Brokers of Córdoba (Cacic), and Lucas Péndola, head of the Professional Association of Real Estate Agents (CPI), presented the topic Real Estate Market Overview in Córdoba.

project Córdoba continues with the Real Estate Conversation: Realities and Projections in the Cordobés marketwith the participation of Mariana Geimonat, Marcos Marchi, Franco Strazza and Joaquín Malbran, an event that will be moderated by Diego Dávila, journalist from the Business section of The voice.

Subsequently, Federico González Rouco will talk about The Macro Economy and Housing in 2024: The return to credit.

Meanwhile, the activity will take place from 12:20 The Construction Industry: Generations Creating Citywith the presence of César Martínez and Sol Martínez (Betania Group), Carolina Bugliotti and Atilio Bugliotti (Bugliotti Developments), and Evangelina Darsie and Oscar Darsie (Darsie). Moderated by Josefina Sandoz (BCC).

Projecting Córdoba takes place at the Córdoba Convention Center. (Facundo Luque / The Voice)

After the break, the activities return at 2 p.m. with the theme Uruguay: Public Policies that Dynamize the Development Sectorwith the participation of Sebastian Sanchez and Arq. Fabian Kopel (Kopel Sanchez), from the neighboring country. Moderated by: Lucas Salim (Proaco Group).

Starting at 3:00 p.m., Álvaro García Resta will talk about Generate Conditions for Urban Development. And at 4 p.m., Pablo Balian, Diego Peralta and Matias Benedetti will speak on Sustainable Cities: The importance of Urban Planning, moderated by Mariela Marchisio (UNC).

At 5:00 p.m., Damian Tabakman (CEDU) will talk about the Current Situation of the Real Estate Market. Perspectives and Trends, while at 5:45 p.m. the topic Federal Vision of the Development Sector will be addressed, with the presence of Gonzalo Parga (Edisur), Rodolfo Dante (Aspa) and Roberto San Millan (Grupo Norte). Moderator: Mali Vazquez.

The last activity will take place from 6:30 p.m., where Osvaldo Levis and Maria Julia Martinez (Bancor) will talk about Housing Financing: Bancor Experience. Moderator: Cr. Martin Teicher (Elyon).

Thursday, June 27, 2024, 11:33

Project Córdoba: the third edition, in 2025, is already underway

Based on the result obtained by Proyectar Córdoba, whose second edition takes place at the Córdoba Convention Center, the organizing entity stated that there will be a third edition next year and that they hope that the event will be part of the annual agenda of activities of the city ​​of Córdoba.

“We are surprised and grateful for the success of the event. The first edition was a great challenge that we faced at Ceduc and this year it turned out even better, since we grew in the number of exhibitors and visiting public,” said the president of the Business Chamber of Urban Developers of Córdoba (Ceduc), Roque Lenti.

And he added: “Córdoba has a very important development and construction industry, which contributes to the growth of the city by generating thousands of jobs. Proyectar Córdoba has the purpose of generating a space to analyze and debate the problems and challenges of the sector. A space to think about what city we want and what urban intervention model best adapts to the particularities of Córdoba. Today is the time to organize the city and at Ceduc we promote this debate with the participation of all the actors involved, from the public and private sectors.”

Wednesday, June 26, 2024, 7:00 p.m.

Thinking about the Córdoba of the Future

Wednesday’s event at Proyectar Córdoba

One of the axes of this second edition of Proyectar Córdoba 2024 is Thinking about the Córdoba of the Future. To speak on the subject, on the first day, national representative Alejandra Torres, former secretary of Planning, Modernization and International Relations of the Municipality of Córdoba, was summoned, who during her time in municipal management was in charge of public policies on the subject. of modernization and innovation to advance towards a smart city. Specifically, she referred to “Smartcities: The Future of Cities”, accompanied by engineer Pablo López, coordinator of Housing and Habitat at CAF-Development Bank of Latin America.

Among other topics, topics such as the concept of smart cities, current regulatory frameworks, the current situation of cities in Latin America and the main challenges were addressed. All aspects linked to smart cities were analyzed, such as land use and control of urban expansion; sustainable mobility and access to opportunities; emissions reduction; energy efficiency and sustainable energy; affordable housing; urban productivity and secure information management.

About 40 exhibitors are part of Proyectar Córdoba 2024. (Facundo Luque / La Voz)

The activities continued with the panel on “The impact of developments on cities”, led by Félix Ortega (Grupo Dinámica), Adrián Capello (Capello) and José Luis Acevedo (Grupo Canter), moderated by Daniel Alonso ( The voice).

The closing of the day featured the economist Salvador Di Stefano. His presentation was especially anticipated by the audience present, eager to know the specialist’s opinion on the economic direction, the current situation of the macroeconomy and, especially, the business climate. “Argentina: towards a change of economic regime in the Milei era”, was the title of his conference, in which he slipped.

Wednesday, June 26, 2024, 6:26 PM

Trends in architecture and real estate

The presentations continued in the afternoon with the Chilean Diego Rodríguez Correa, with the conference titled: “Innovating in Real Estate. From Theory to Practice in the Corporate Ecosystem.” Then, it was the turn of the architects Federico Argüello Pitt and Ramiro Veiga, who referred to “Architectural Trends in Córdoba.”

Another international presence was that of María Alexandra Cardona Peña, head of GBCI Colombia Business Development at Green Business, who spoke on “The business of Sustainable Construction in Latin America.”

“The Business of Sustainable Construction”. Engineer Maria Alexandra Cardona (Colombia) in PROYECTAR CORDOBA (Facundo Luque / La Voz)

In this regard, the Colombian specialist pointed out the importance of LEED certification in construction and gave as an example Manantiales, the mega-urban development of Grupo Edisur, which achieved the LEED certification for Cities and Communities, which certifies that it is a development and construction that is “sustainable” in environmental terms.

“The progress that is being seen in Argentina on this issue is very important, because it brings the country closer to international construction standards to accelerate good sustainable construction practices and comply as a country with the objectives of sustainable development and reducing emissions. carbon, at least by 19%, which is the commitment to 2030,” said Cardona Peña.

Project Córdoba 2024. II Development and Construction Forum. (Ramiro Pereyra / The Voice)

Wednesday, June 26, 2024, 5:40 p.m.

Mayor Daniel Passerini, at the opening ceremony of Proyectar Córdoba

The opening ceremony of the second edition of Project Córdoba was attended by the city mayor, Daniel Passerini, and brought together the main players in the sector at the Córdoba Convention Center. The president of Ceduc, Roque Lenti, was present, accompanied by members of the board of directors, including Martín Teicher (first vice president) and Lucas Salim (second vice president).

In representation of The voice, media partner of the event, the general manager, Juan Tillard; and Sebastián Lazcano, Commercial and Marketing Manager. There were also business authorities, provincial and municipal officials, legislators and councillors, Ceduc partners, exhibitors and the general public.

Project Córdoba 2024. II Development and Construction Forum. Daniel Passerini, mayor of the city. (Ramiro Pereyra / The Voice)

By welcoming, Lenti valued the holding of the second edition of the expowhile highlighting the importance of the joint work of the public and private sectors for the urban development of the city.

Meanwhile, the city mayor maintained that it is important to consider urban development as an industry. “Córdoba has a virtuous ecosystem in the construction industry and we see it reflected in the call for this exhibition, where all the actors participating in the value chain come together”.

Roque Lenti, president of Ceduc, led the opening of Proyectar Córdoba 2024. II Development and Construction Forum. (Ramiro Pereyra / The Voice)

“Urban development must be valued and given importance as an industry for the city. Here we can see all the added value of Cordoban production that exists in a construction site. It is important to plan the development of the city, and Córdoba has a very virtuous ecosystem: organizations of construction workers, companies that build, entrepreneurs, companies that produce for construction, academia, professional associations and the provincial and municipal State. “We have to generate an engine so that urban development generates jobs and also a better city.”

Regarding the importance of urban development for the city, Lenti indicated: “Our activity generates urban transformation, giving value to the city and its inhabitants. It is necessary that we all debate urban planning and territorial ordering, which is the main purpose of this space. We have to think about what city we want to have in the future.”

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