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They maintain the investiture of congressmen who contributed to the financing of 4G roads in Antioquia

He Council of State, with a presentation by Judge César Palomino Cortés, denied the request for loss of investiture made against the congressmen who participated in the donation organized by the Government of Antioquia to finance road infrastructure works, called ‘4G’.

According to the lawsuit, the donation constituted a gratuitous contract: “which made them incur in a violation of the prohibition that legislators have to enter into contracts with state agencies,” says the process.

For the Council of State, a contract did not materialize in this process, because It does not have the express consent of the legislators.

Furthermore, the circumstances that give rise to the cause of loss of investiture did not occur either: “well, It was evident that the congressmen intervened directly or indirectly in the conclusion of the contractnor that they acted for their own benefit or that of third parties,” the decision says.

The court clarified that this inability seeks to prevent the congressman’s investiture from being used to benefit himself or fully identifiable third parties, and in this case, what was proven is that the contribution was aimed at financing works whose beneficiary is the community. : “It was not proven that the legal right that the prohibition seeks to protect, which is the general interest, was affected”noted the high court.

So The high court denied the request for loss of investiture made against the congressmen:

“Carlos Mario Patiño González, against the senators of the Republic Miguel Uribe Turbay, Paloma Susana Valencia Laserna, Esteban Quintero Cardona, Andrés Felipe Guerra Hoyos, Paola Andrea Holguín Moreno and María Fernanda Cabal Molina and the representatives to the Chamber Juan Fernando Espinal Ramírez, Hernán Darío Cadavid Márquez, John Jairo Berrio López and Julián Peinado Ramírez, elected for the constitutional period 2022-2026.

They maintain the investiture of congressmen who contributed to the financing of 4G roads in Antioquia

They maintain the investiture of congressmen who contributed to the financing of 4G roads in Antioquia

They maintain the investiture of congressmen who contributed to the financing of 4G roads in Antioquia

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