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The young man who killed his father in Totana would have done it to defend his mother

The San José neighborhood (Totana) has been the scene of a dramatic scene that has resulted in the murder of a man in his home. A particularly serious event, given that The alleged perpetrator of this homicide is the deceased’s 14-year-old son.

According to Civil Guard sources, the alleged patricide It occurred with a knife last Thursday, June 20. The minor remained unlocated for several days, until this Tuesday “he appeared at the Prosecutor’s Office with a lawyer,” Benemérita sources detail to EL ESPAÑOL.

The investigation is in the hands of the Murcia homicide group of the Civil Guard. The young man is now in the hands of the Juvenile Prosecutor’s Office. La Benemérita has reported that it will not provide more details about the case, “as it is an event that involves a minor.”

The Hermitage of San José, located near the place where the alleged murder took place on the 20th.


Totana is a municipality located in the Region of Murcia with a population that exceeds 33,000 inhabitants, according to the INE. On its outskirts is the Barrio de San José, an area whose neighbors describe as “conflictive”. The residents of this neighborhood explain to this newspaper that the murder was plotted within the framework of “a family argument.”

“The young man’s father had been engaging in violent behavior towards the minor’s mother for a long time. Given this, the boy had warned the father several times to stop, but in one of those fights, “It seems that the boy went to defend his mother.”explains a neighbor. And in that fight was when, supposedly, the man’s death occurred.

“The boy did not have a reputation for being rebellious or conflictive”clarifies Arantxa, a resident of one of the streets near the place where this fatal event occurred: San José Street. An area where mainly gypsy families live, to which the minor apparently belongs.

The Totana Town Hall, located in the center of the municipality.


Silence reigns in this place. Both San José Street and the surrounding streets are mostly made up of old, single-story houses. “I don’t know anything”, “this is the first news” or “I have nothing to add” are the nervous responses -almost always accompanied by a turning around and closing the door- that the journalist obtains when asked “what happened on the 20th?”

In the rest of Totana the situation is similar, since this news had not spread beyond the neighborhood itself. That’s why, Most residents were unaware of the crime. until the cameras and media correspondents, among which was this newspaper, flooded the streets of the municipality this Thursday.

With this event, the Region of Murcia is witness to a sad streak of patricides: two just a few days apart. The last of them took place this Wednesday, in the municipality of Librilla, when a 36-year-old young woman murdered her father, 66, and seriously injured her mother, 64. According to the Civil Guard, this young woman “he had schizophrenia.”

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