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New raids on the fields of the former official and her husband

According to the journalist Ariel Sack in the program Minute Oneby C5Nthe clues that federal justice follows are: a crime or accident and cover-up of the factwave theft and delivery of Loan.

In addition, he assured that the new test would complicate things for Caillava and Pérez, since leaving their home would be an “indication that they would be involved in the disappearance of the minor“.

Search for Loan: new clue complicates the situation of Carlos Pérez and María Caillava

As official sources stated, in the last few hours new evidence has emerged that complicates the marriage involved. As it was learned, on June 14, the day after the disappearance of the little boy, the Ford Ka de Caillava y Pérez was registered at the entrance to the capital of Chaco, Resistencia.

Throughout that day The couple was in that province despite the fact that the investigation into Loan had begun and they were under scrutiny.along with Loan’s relatives, with whom they were friends.

In this context, it is being investigated whether the child was transported in the vehicle Caillava and Pérez with the intention of being introduced into a Network trafficking. Although significant traces of the child were found in the car, the defense argues that these could be related to previous visits by the child.

In addition to Pérez and Caillavaothers involved include Antonio Benítez, Mónica del Carmen Millapi and Daniel “Fierrito” Ramírez, accused of facilitating the recruitment of the child. He Commissioner Walter Maciel He is also detained on charges of concealment by royal favor, allegedly planting false evidence to divert the investigation.

What Sofia Herrera’s mother said after the comparisons with the daughter of the couple arrested in the Loan case

In the middle of the search for Loan Danilo Peñaarose striking connection between one of the main suspects and another casefrom 16 years ago.

This is the case of Sofía Herrera, the minor who disappeared on September 28, 2008 in a campsite in Río Grande, Ushuaia, since many pointed out a similarity with Brisa, the daughter of retired sailor Carlos Pérez and María Victoria Caillava, two of those arrested for the Loan case.

However, his mother, María Elena Delgado, spoke about it this Tuesday and denied the resemblance. “The woman (Brisa’s mother) says she is 14 years old. If she is that age she could never be my daughter. They filled me with messages with the photo of Pérez’s daughter and I saw the little girl, but I don’t find her very similar to my daughter Sofía.”, he said in dialogue with radio Miter.

She also said that in recent years, various DNA tests had been carried out on young people who had characteristics similar to those of the girl, who would be 19 years old today.

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