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The “Pim Pau” trio arrives in Córdoba with a show for the whole family – News

Pim Pau is an Argentine/Brazilian art, music and education project for children and adults with an interesting proposal that is intended to be shared with the family.

The trio is made up of Brazilian Cassio Carvalho, Eva Harvez from Buenos Aires and Lucho Milocco from Santa Fe. All of them are teachers, artists and audiovisual producers.

As a musical proposal, they put the game as the central axis of their activities, videos and presentations, standing out for their playful identity and constant search.

Looking ahead to the winter holidays, next Sunday July 7 will be performing at the Quality Space with his “Tucumpa Festival”, in addition to presenting his third album “UPA”.

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For this new album, the group that is celebrating ten years of career sought to think about childhoods from a federal and Latin American perspective. For this, they had the special participation of Raly Barrionuevo in the coastal lullaby: “Duérmase gurí” and the Spanish Ismael Serrano together with Jimena Ruiz Echazú in “The grandmother’s recipe”.

The album, nominated for the Gardel Awards, invites you to that state of constant discovery of the baby’s first years of life and adulthood that accompanies the stages of growth and exploration, like a cinematographic experience where enveloping sounds pass through: what rocks, what cradles us, what moves us at an early age and the adult record of all those instances of learning.

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