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Government approves decree seeking to strengthen peasant food sovereignty in Colombia

09:55 AM

President Gustavo Petroand the Minister of Agriculture and Rural Development, Jhenifer Mojica, signed the regulatory decree of the Agri-Food Peasant Territories.

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The bases of this plan are the territory, the overcoming of medium-term needs and the transformation of conflicts for agricultural development and the advancement of the Comprehensive Rural Reform. The decree orders the creation of a decent life plan, which will serve as the main input for the permanence of these populations in the territories.

The communities may be established in areas where the peasant economy predominatesthat are of special ecological environmental interest, and in those where the consolidation of these spaces contributes to positive transformation regarding social, economic, environmental, use and occupation conflicts.

According to the Ministry, “it also seeks to facilitate the development of public agricultural policies, contribute to the protection of biodiversity through agroecological practices, promote the conservation of native and Creole seeds, and protect family, peasant and community agriculture.” ”.

And that also seeks recognition of the territoriality of peasant communitiesas well as their knowledge, traditions and historical customs about agricultural work for their food sovereignty.

Minister Mojica highlighted that the signing of this decree is a fundamental step for respect for access to land, Total Peace in the territories, the agroindustrialization of the countryside and the defense of the food sovereignty of rural women, youth and men.

“Congratulations to the resistant peasant organizations in the fight to defend the territory, food sovereignty and peasant family agriculture,” said the Minister of Agriculture, Jhenifer Mojica.

For the development of this decree, the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development will act through the Rural Development Agency, the Agricultural Rural Planning Unit and the National Land Agency for its design, implementation and measurement of impacts.

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