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Pharmacy and Optical Company of Ciego de Ávila recognized – Periódico Invasor

Citma Avileño/Facebook The Provincial Company of Pharmacies and Opticians of Ciego de Ávila received the status of National Distinguished Collective for its meritorious results in its economic and union management during 2023, by overcoming notable material limitations that affect the sector in the country.

Dulce María Fernández Martínez, general director of the entity, told the Cuban News Agency that they grew by complying with the different indicators and projects in the midst of a complex context of deficit of a broad group of medicines, in response to which alternatives and strategies are sought to meet the needs of the population.

Several economic indicators were satisfactory, which validated the delivery of the important recognition, such as compliance with net sales at 104 percent, commercial production at 109 percent, 102 percent of the planned plan was entered, in addition to close with a profit of more than seven million 577,000 pesos.

In 2023, it was possible to pay profits to workers on a quarterly basis, which made it possible to increase the average salary, the director commented.

From a productive point of view, during the previous year the company also obtained encouraging results, since out of a plan of four million 878,000 bottles of natural medicines, they produced 106 percent of that planned figure.

Fernández Martínez highlights that the greatest social impact achieved in 2023 was the beginning of bringing medicines to vulnerable communities that are difficult to access, difficult to access due to lack of transportation.

Likewise, the pharmaceutical and optical workers from Avila stood out in different union tasks such as compliance with contribution payments, contributions to the Homeland, mobilizations in parades, marches, volunteer work, planting cane, contributions to donations to affected people. due to disasters or delivery of baskets to vulnerable families.

The director added that they are not exempt from limitations, since they lack raw materials and personnel, but they keep working to overcome these difficulties, and they have managed to overcome them.

The exodus to other labor sectors or emigration also affects the Avilanian network of pharmacies and opticians, of a staff of 712 workers there are only 668. Given this, explains Fernández Martínez, alternatives are being sought such as moonlighting, remote work, to guarantee Ensure that the counter is covered on medication arrival days.

Regarding the recent increase in prices for natural medicine, he explained that during last May the number of assortments purchased by the population greatly decreased, but they were sold in all their variety; However, customers recognize the effectiveness of products that solve their health problems.

However, the same is not happening in June, when, little by little, sales of this natural medicine that is so good are recovering, we are going to show superior results, although not what we are looking for, concluded Fernández Martínez.

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