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Despite the total alignment to Milei, Corrientes will receive less than 3% of public works

Despite the total alignment to Milei, Corrientes will receive less than 3% of public works

Only 10 works will be reactivated by the federal administration in Corrientes jurisdiction. The governor had announced that he had to deliver the list of priority works to the federal authorities this week, but it is still unknown if this procedure was completed. Other regional districts have already been notified about funds and public works to be reactivated in the coming months.

The national government will only continue ten projects in the province of Corrientes, as they are considered high priority. This represents 2.7% of the total in the entire country and is in the middle of the table of jurisdictions. with a greater number of projects to follow, according to a report from the National Secretariat of Public Works.

The Corrientes government had announced last week that during this week, it would send to the national authorities the list of urgent and priority works that need to be reactivated, until now it is not known if this procedure was completed.

Neighboring provinces such as Chaco, Entre Ríos and Misiones signed several agreements weeks ago by which the national government assigned them different national public works that are paralyzed. Even Misiones achieved a $20 billion package to start work, mostly on roads.

At the Annual Convention organized on Tuesday by the Chamber of Construction (CAMARCO), the Secretary of Public Works of the Nation, Luis Giovine, announced that the national government will only reactivate 15% of the projects that were in execution. Out of a total of 2,731 jobs, 924 will not continue and only 376 will be financed throughout the country.

Those that will not continue are works that were carried out within the framework of the Argentina Hace program and, for the most part, consist of small constructions, repairs or expansions. These will not be transferred to the provinces so they will remain frozen, according to what was communicated by the official. To which are added another 170 that are not part of the program, but are evaluated as low priority.

For the national government, 376 are of high priority, of which 10 are located in Corrientes, which represents 2.7% of the total, according to the report provided by the official at the convention and which was replicated by national media. In this way it is positioned in the middle of the table in the ranking with the highest incidence.

Firstly, the Nation plans to finance 68 interjurisdictional works, which means 18% of the total. In second place is the province of Buenos Aires, with 65 projects, equivalent to 17.3% of the total. Then comes Córdoba, with a proposal to reactivate 25 projects; that is, 6.6% of the universe. Santa Fe follows, with 21 works.

Regarding the Argentine Northeast, in Chaco the completion of 14 jobs is expected; in Misiones, 11. While Formosa is one of the least benefited, with 8 projects and represents 2.1% of the total.

In last place is La Pampa, where only three high priority jobs are considered. Santa Cruz follows, with four. Both provinces are administered by governors who are critical of the national government.

Corrientes has not yet signed a works agreement with the Nation. It is worth mentioning that they were working on preparing a list of priority tasks, but there was no certainty as to which ones would be financed by the National Treasury.

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