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The owner of the premises was convicted

What happened?

The Oral Criminal Court (TOP) of Viña del Mar unanimously sentenced Mauricio Orfali Hottbar owner “Idyllic“of Reñaca, as author of the crime of”serious injuries“after having given a brutal beating of one of his clients who stayed at an “after party” at the premises during the pandemic curfew in 2021.

Brutal beating in a pandemic “after”

According to the court’s resolution, everything happened on July 21, 2021, when Herman Kovacs Torres He was in the premises located on Borgoño Avenue in the company of some friends and Loretoher partner at the time.


All of them were invited to stay at the “after” that began along with the curfew in force at that time due to the coronavirus. A night of celebration in which Kovacs had too many drinks and in which he inadvertently, due to his “drunk state“, he broke some drinks from the bar.

It was this event, which occurred around 3:30 in the morning, that sparked an argument between Mauricio Orfali and Herman Kovacs, which ended with the latter with various fractures and a slight descent of the right eyeballinjuries that left consequences such as “ocular asymmetry and loss of ocular alignment“.

Bar (Pixabay Reference)

The court document details that Orfali, in the company of other subjects, began to insult Kovacs as a result of breaking glasses, so “Finding himself alone and cornered by three to four people, he made the decision to take a fire extinguisher and activate it in the air to make his way through.“.

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This action, which according to Kovacs lasted between 0 and 5 seconds, triggered his attackers They will rush to hit him and after falling the floor they will give him “foot and fist blows” that caused his injuries. Kovacs said that these blows came mainly from Orfali and other subjects, whom he could not identify because while he was hit he tried to cover his face.

Herman Kovacs managed to escape the situation by going down the stairs to the parking lot of the premises, where his partner arrived about 20 minutes later, whom Mauricio Orfali “threatened to kill if he didn’t return the fire extinguisher the next day. He also found out later that Loreto was reduced while they beat him so that he would not come to their aid“.

After this brutal beating, the court established that Kovacs should have passed admitted to a hospital for two weeksgiven that “They couldn’t operate on him immediately because of the swelling of his face.“.

Condemns the owner of the Idyllic bar

The TOP of Viña del Mar maintained that “no doubt arose“that Kovacs was beaten at the premises during the early hours of July 21, 2021 and that this beating was inflicted”particularly by Mauricio Orfali Hott“.

However, during the trial, the latter said he had not participated and was unaware of the beating, since “That day it closed its stores named Idísimo and Cuatro y Medio at 00:00 hours.the time when the curfew that was in effect at that time began.

Despite this argument, the court sentenced Mauricio Orfali to a sentence of 800 days, which must be fulfilled in freedom. The Prosecutor’s Office, meanwhile, had requested at the beginning of the trial a eight-year prison sentence.

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