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In the midst of the scandal over alleged tricks, the departure of the director of Counterintelligence of the DNI is confirmed

Colonel (r) Edwin Chavarro, left office as director of Counterintelligence of the National Intelligence Directorate (DNI), confirmed this Thursday the director of that department, Carlos Ramón González.

“There was a specific indication about him by some senior judges of the courts and when the president appoints me director of the DNI, He also asked me to remove any suspicion in this regard and that’s why he left, that was one of the changes I ordered.“, the official told W Radio.

The director preferred not to delve into the case and concluded by assuring that, in order to ask him to resign, First, an internal investigation was carried out based on the complaints they had received about their actions.

Related or not, the truth is that this movement within the DNI is known just when the scandal is on the rise due to the alleged illegal interceptions that this organization would be carrying out. magistrates of the High Courts and the Special Jurisdiction for Peace. An old and fearful practice used during the government of former President Álvaro Uribe. For which several former officials were convicted.

Regarding the recent case, it was the magistrate of the Constitutional Court, Jorge Enrique Ibáñez, the first to warn that he, his wife and four assistant magistrates were being victims of illegal wiretapping.

Context: “Those who believe they can exert undue pressure are mistaken”: Judge Ibáñez on possible tricks

“For several months now, my communications, especially my cell phone, have been tapped (…) I have come to the conclusion that unfortunately this is due to operations by official intelligence bodies that are carried out without judicial authorization and outside the framework.” legal i lawintelligence and counterintelligence (one of which operates in the Presidency of the Republic and the National Intelligence Directorate), in coordination with the Dian and the Financial Analysis Unit of the Ministry of Finance and Public Credit (UIAF)”stated Judge Ibáñez in a letter sent to the President of the Court, which was later brought to the attention of the Prosecutor’s Office.

Since the complaints about possible illegal interceptions became known, the government has tried to downplay the events by reducing them to simple ‘rumors’ spread by ‘Whatsapp chains’.

They are trying to weaken the government, breaking with fake news your inner relationships and with other branches. They are making valid news, like Goebbels,” said the president, who related the situation to the Nazi regime.

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