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Security and neighborhood commissions advance in crime diagnosis and prevention

After the agreement signed with the National University of Río Negro (UNRN), the Ministry of Security of the Province met with neighborhood commissions of the capital of Neuquén to advance the tools for the diagnosis and prevention of crime.

With the participation of the prominent academic and criminology expert Miguel Abadovsky, representing the National University of Río Negro and officials from the province’s Ministry of Security, a meeting was held with authorities from neighborhood commissions of the city of Neuquén.

During the meeting, a review was carried out of the various security initiatives carried out by the provincial portfolio, placing special emphasis on the need to work on the “black figure” of crime.

The importance of generating methodological tools that, through citizen participation, allow us to know the levels of victimization and perception in different neighborhoods and localities was highlighted.

On behalf of the Ministry of Security of the Province, the Undersecretary of Prevention and Citizen Organization, Luis Sánchez, and the Provincial Director of Crime Analysis, Juan Chiocconi, participated.

Chiocconi precisely highlighted the joint work between the UNRN and the Ministry of Security in the design of studies and technical-professional collaborations and expressed that “these actions allow for the elaboration of an accurate diagnosis of criminal modalities at the neighborhood and local level, based on the need to generate objective information for the design of public policies aimed at prevention and planning of security resources.

The participants agreed that this meeting was the first in a series of meetings, underlining the need for closer collaboration to strengthen citizen security and unify the fight against crime.

The meeting was attended by authorities from the following neighborhood commissions: Progreso (Marcelo Pailacura), Cumelén (Susana Gutiérrez), Villa Florencia (Facundo Llera), Don Bosco II (Alexis Carrillo), Don Bosco III (Yanina Pino), Limay (Clara Cabrera), Mariano Moreno (Marcela Ferrada), Belgrano (Carina Leiva), Villa María (Luis Alexis Hernández), Gregorio Álvarez (Alfredo Campos), Unión de Mayo (Gustavo Ancafil) and Canal V (Luis Sánchez).

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