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Postcards from a cruel winter: heavy snowfall puts two million sheep at risk in Patagonia

Enrique Jamiesonpresident of the Federation of Agricultural Institutions of Santa Cruz (FIAS), and Osvaldo Lujan, president of the Federation of Rural Societies of Chubut; They provided a harsh analysis of the conditions that the countryside of Chubut and Santa Cruz are experiencing, covered in snow, putting the lives of millions of sheep and cattle at risk.

The head of the Chubut Federation spoke this Wednesday with FM EL CHUBUT, where he estimated that as a result of the intense snow and cold weather in the mountain area, the sheep winning sector could suffer significant losses.

When speaking with INVINCIBLES, a program hosted by journalist Rodrigo Mansilla, the ruralista anticipated that “there will already be mortality,” but maintained that “evaluating how much is difficult at this moment.”

However, he explained that in addition to the large accumulation of snow, the continuity of low temperatures is added, making the snow last longer, making it impossible to reach the different fields and rural establishments with pastures, but also preventing the animals from being able to feed themselves. own means.

“If this climate continues like this, it will keep the snow as it is, that makes it impossible for the animal to go anywhere and even those that can bring food can only partially remedy what they can remedy,” he lamented.

“You cannot access the fields, the roads are covered until the machine passes,” said the producer, considering that the situation is “complex”, and explained that this occurs “in the Escalante, Sarmiento and Senguer departments.” , where in addition to the snow, bardons of one and a half two meters have been produced.”

In this entire southern strip of the Chubut territory, Lujan specified that almost 30% of the total number of sheep are concentrated, “1/3 of the province’s sheep are in this area, Senguer is the department with the largest number. There is almost 30% of Chubut’s total population,” concluded the head of the Federation, pointing out that “1 million sheep” would be affected by the snow storm.


Enrique Jamiesonpresident of the Federation of Agricultural Institutions of Santa Cruz (FIAS), explained in Fontevecchia mode that snowfall seriously affects 50% of the cattle and sheep stock in the region.

“Cattle are moving within the fields themselves to concentrate them in areas with less snow,” Jamieson explained. However, access to the fields is complicated, since the roads are closed, preventing the arrival of forage and the departure of cage trucks.

“We are entering the desperate phase.” Heavy snowfall forces cattle to move in search of forage.

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