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Students from Illia and Castellanos schools visited the Adoption Center – News

The Municipality, through the Animal Welfare area, continues with school visits to the “Nicolás Mansilla” Adoption Center in order to promote good habits and raise awareness about this issue.

Pablo Diaz, director of the Adoption Center, explained that “on this occasion we received a visit from 60 students from the Arturo Illia and Joaquín Castellanos schools” and stressed that “the objective is to give them a talk on responsible ownership of pets and “Let them know the facilities.”

The official highlighted that “mainly puppies that are rescued from animal abuse enter the Adoption Center” and explained that “once admitted they are stabilized, cured of their wounds, fed and hydrated so they can then be put up for adoption.”

Additionally, during the visit the students toured the kennels to meet each of the animals that are currently up for adoption. Then, the students shared a moment of recreation with some of the dogs, whom they were able to play and walk around the property.

Martina, a student at the Arturo Illia school, commented that “in my case I brought some bibs that I knitted myself and together with my classmates and teachers we collected food that we were able to deliver today” and added that “now we take photos of the dogs to then publish them and be able to give them up for adoption.”

Agustina, a student at Joaquín Castellanos, stated that “our class made warm clothes and leashes to donate to the Adoption Center and we are also going to collaborate in promoting the adoption of each of them.”

It is important to highlight that, with today’s visit, there are already ten schools that visited the Adoption Center and that they all bring donations such as food, blankets or warm clothing.


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