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WE MAKE MAJANEQUE CÓRDOBA | We do Córdoba demands that the mayor include Majaneque in the asphalt plan

We do Córdoba demands that the mayor include Majaneque in the asphalt planCORDOVA

The municipal group We make Cordovahas urged the mayor to include the Majaneque neighborhood in the asphalt plan. The party denounces the mayor’s “little sensitivity” towards the peripheral neighborhoods, pointing out “the state of abandonment where Majaneque is located, without adequate sports facilities, with destroyed streets and an alarming lack of cleanliness and security.

“Majaneque is in complete oblivion. It is unacceptable that its neighbors live in these conditions, without any intervention project planned. This is one more example of the systematic abandonment of the mayor towards the peripheral neighborhoods, treating its inhabitants as second or third category citizens,” Hacemos Córdoba states in a note.

We do Córdoba demands that the mayor reconsider his position and pay attention to the needs of all peripheral neighborhoods, especially Majaneque. “We ask that in the remainder of the mandate, the mayor attends, listens and responds to the needs of these neighborhoods. It is crucial that its streets be improved, its sidewalks cleaned, its safety increased and adequate sports facilities developed.”

The training highlights the inequality in the treatment received by the residents of Majaneque compared to other neighborhoods in Córdoba. “It is not acceptable that the residents of Córdoba are today in a deplorable state in terms of the services provided to them. “All Cordobans have the same rights and deserve to live in decent conditions.”

We make Córdoba reaffirms its commitment to the peripheral neighborhoods and demands that the mayor act immediately to improve living conditions in Majaneque. “It is imperative that the mayor observes how In the last five years it has ignored the needs of peripheral neighborhoods and take measures to correct this situation,” the municipal group concludes in the note.


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