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They implement specialized care for patients with advanced chronic kidney disease at Hospital van Buren – G5noticias

Multiple and significant are the benefits of the new Advanced Renal Care Unit (UCRA) at the Carlos van Buren Hospital, as expressed by nephrologist Gonzalo Ramírez, head of the Nephrology and Dialysis Unit, an initiative that was implemented in response to the growing demand for patients with chronic kidney disease who require admission to dialysis, a reality that occurs both nationally and worldwide. The main objective of the UCRA is to provide patients with comprehensive and multidisciplinary care that allows them to delay admission to dialysis, as well as offer treatment alternatives that improve their quality of life.

The UCRA is made up of a multidisciplinary team of doctors, nurses, nutritionists and technical staff, who work together to monitor patients monthly or bimonthly, ensuring that they receive the necessary attention and have access to appropriate care to delay progression. of the illness.

The head of the HCVB Dialysis and Nephrology Unit; Dr. Gonzalo Ramírez explained that “what happens in a large part of Chile, which does not have this type of programs, is that the patient enters a Nephrology polyclinic, where he is monitored every four or six months. Many times, there is not enough time to generate vascular access (arteriovenous fistula) or access for peritoneal dialysis, as the case requires. “Patients do not receive more information and, therefore, the progression of the disease is much faster.”

The specialist assured that “the objective of this program is to monitor patients monthly or every two months, at most, with us, while we see objectives and meet the stages.”

For his part, Dr. Francisco Villagrán, internist and head of the UCRA program, highlighted the importance of planning and projection in the unit’s work. Through a detailed analysis of the patients treated at the polyclinic, they seek to identify how many of them could benefit from the program, thus allowing more efficient management of resources and personalized care for each case.

The doctor pointed out that “there has been a lot of work on planning and projecting how many people are going to benefit, to also ensure that the benefits are being provided, ensuring the time of check-up with the doctor, the nurse, etc.”

Regarding the main goal of the UCRA, it focuses on allowing patients with advanced chronic kidney disease to make informed decisions about the treatment modality they will receive in advanced stages, whether peritoneal dialysis, hemodialysis or even considering conservative management in specific cases. In addition, it seeks to facilitate access to kidney transplant for those patients who qualify, avoiding the need for dialysis as much as possible. Likewise, support is provided to patients who opt for medical management until the end of their lives, coordinating with the Palliative Care team.

Nutritional education

UCRA nutritionist, Francisca Aranda, highlighted the fundamental role of clinical nutrition in the kidney program, focusing on the prevention of progression and complications of chronic kidney disease. Comprehensive nutritional education is a fundamental pillar for patients, as it allows them to understand the importance of a balanced diet without falling into excessive restrictions.

For her part, Constanza Verdugo Araya, nurse in charge of the UCRA program, emphasized the fundamental role of coordination in the care of patients in advanced stages of chronic kidney disease. Her work consists of organizing medical and nutritional evaluations, as well as coordinating the necessary referrals for each patient, ensuring that they receive the comprehensive care required. This includes referrals for fistula construction, pre-transplant studies and access to other specialized services according to the individual needs of each patient.

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