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Progress is being made in the modernization of public transportation in the interior of Salta

The Government of the Province of Salta continues with its federal policy, and this Thursday, through publication in the Official Gazette, the Provincial Transportation Law was promulgated, which puts transportation in the interior of the province on equal terms with respect to Metropolitan area.

The main objective of the aforementioned Law is to establish a regulatory framework for action that allows the Metropolitan Transportation Authority (AMT) to carry out technical studies, working with the municipalities, to form metropolitan areas within the province and develop transportation systems. more efficient.

It is worth mentioning that among the articles of the Law it is indicated: “The principles of the provision of public transportation services are universality, uniformity, regularity, efficiency and effectiveness, which must be guaranteed through a Comprehensive, Accessible and Sustainable. This is understood as the different means of transportation used by citizens in a comprehensive manner, which allow interaction between them, with accessibility to all people, in a long-term sustainable manner.

The policy, planning and execution of the transportation services included herein will have as fundamental objectives:

⦁ Project, order and ensure permanent, efficient, regular services and with the greatest possible economy in accordance with the economic and social requirements of the population and the necessary balance of the interests at stake.

⦁ Avoid physical or functional overlaps, tending to integrate the system into corridors that facilitate the necessary balance of the economies of the borrowing companies.

⦁ Ensure efficient provision of public service, user rights and the incorporation of appropriate and modern technology in provincial passenger transportation.

⦁ Promote transparent competition between the different systems, setting maximum rates for the different modalities, demanding strict compliance with the rules in force and avoiding distorting or inequitable situations between the agents of the system.

In another article, a single control platform is established, which will be the monitoring system with satellite tracking of transportation services, which allows viewing their itinerary, frequency of provision, schedules and transactions.

Regarding precarious permits, it establishes that “they are authorizations of an exceptional nature issued by the Enforcement Authority, limited in time, founded in case of emergency or for the purposes of carrying out demand and frequency studies on new lines.

For its part, regarding Occasional or Seasonal services, it indicates: “they are the services provided by transport companies, which are generated to cover an occasional need such as vacations, religious festivities, public shows, etc.

This new legal framework also grants greater responsibilities to municipalities, proposing the creation of Metropolitan Areas by Decree, in their respective jurisdictions.

Starting with this Law, the AMT will begin to carry out technical studies that will allow it to work on the creation of metropolitan regions throughout the province and do joint work with the municipalities.

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