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Security camera recorded when the criminal got stuck with the grenade that he was going to detonate in a store in Bogotá

10:10 AM

a failure attempted grenade attack caused anxiety in the north of Bogota in the afternoon hours of Wednesday in a commercial establishment in the capital, which is being victim of extortion, those linked to the company denounce.

The attacker, after unable to activate the explosive device, threw the grenade and fled. However, the subject was recorded by security cameras in the area.

According to a witness who told El Tiempo how the events occurred, around 2:00 in the afternoon “A person comes running from this area, he comes with a helmet, that device gets stuck, when he sees that he cannot activate it, he throws it away; then we see that it is a grenade”.

The establishment known as Web Envoys, which is dedicated to providing service to people and companies that want to make shipments to Venezuela, has been around for around five months receiving extortion through calls and WhatsApp messages.

Given this fact, the Bogotá Metropolitan Police highlighted that Structures such as the criminal megagang from Venezuela, the ‘Tren de Aragua’, or ‘Satanás’ would be related to this attack. These criminal gangs have a strong presence in the country’s capital.

This was confirmed by Brigadier José Gualdrón Moreno, commander of the Bogotá Metropolitan Police.

“We were able to establish that this person, two months ago, has been working on an extortion investigation that “It is attributed to the Tren de Aragua or to Satan, which is what is under investigation.”Gualdron noted.

RRelated: New blow to the Aragua Train in Bogotá: 20 members of the criminal gang were captured

In addition, the officer highlighted the importance of citizens reporting cases of crimes related to extortion and threats in the city.

“We have been working and motivating citizens to file a complaint, 100% of the complaints that have been presented at the station have been advised and 80% have not been paid.”Commander Gualdrón explained.

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