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Córdoba: Driver’s licenses for people over 70 approved to be extended to two years

This Thursday the Deliberative Council of the city of Córdoba approved extend driver’s licenses for people over 70 years of age to two years.

The project was presented by the councilor radical Juan Balastegui and after being treated during the week, it was approved by the Public Services Commission and received unanimous support in the ordinary session nº14.

Until this day, people who were over that age had to renew their licenses annually.

Regarding the foundations of the initiative, Balastegui expressed on the Council’s broadcast channel: “Taking into account that life expectancy has changed in the world, people over 70 arrive with extensive experience in driving, very active, many in work.. It is a pride that the entire body has accompanied us.

“Until now, older adults felt discriminated against because age was considered a limit. Now, it will be psychophysical fitness, not age. If they pass the medical exams, they are renewed every 2 years.”


Alejandra Trigo, councilor of We make United for Córdobaalso highlighted the approval: “The previous regulations required a number of medical studies, which were reasonable when it was legislated many years ago. But humanity has extended life expectancy. Furthermore, This project has had a lot of participation in commissions and also provides relief from an economic aspectbecause it was very expensive for those neighbors to renew annually with the payment of fees and to undergo medical studies. It has been a good step“.


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