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The governors of Santa Fe, Entre Ríos and Córdoba complained about the Anses debt with the three provinces

The Central Region met in Santa Fe and complained about Anses’ debt with the provinces

The governors of Santa Fe, Maximiliano Pullaro; Cordova, Martin Llaryora; and Entre Ríos, Rogelio Frigerioled this Thursday a new meeting of the Central Region to work on the debt of Anses with the respective Retirement Funds. There they signed a declaration to address jointly and by consensus with the National State the problem of financing the deficits of the pension systems of the provinces of Córdoba, Entre Ríos and Santa Fe.

Read more: Agreement on public works between the Nation and the Province: for Minister Enrico, “the priority is the repair of the roads”

“The challenge we have as the Central Region is to claim the debt that the Nation has with our Retirement Funds. It is important that we can raise these underlying issues, they are state policies. For that we have to become very strong and demand what belongs to us, which is that the law and federalism be respected.”said the governor of Santa Fe.

In the activity that took place in the White Room of the Government House of Santa Fe, the current pro tempore president of the Central Region, Pullaropointed out that “The other challenge we have particularly in the province of Santa Fe is taking care of the Retirement Fund for public employees. That implies having a deep debate, which is not easy to carry out, because these are issues that are very uncomfortable. We understand that it is unfair that many private sector workers and businessmen end up supporting the deficit we have in the province of Santa Fe with their taxes.”

In the same sense, the governor of Santa Fe stated: “Debating this issue in depth does not mean taking away rights, but rather taking care of the Retirement Fund of public employees. This important issue that brings us together today has to do with a discussion of federalism, with the causes that we understand are just and that we have to go out to defend.”

Defend rights

For its part, Llaryora maintained that “This issue has a fundamental impact on each of the provinces. That’s why we have to start giving it concrete definitions. In Córdoba we have made decisions, none of them have been easy. They are sending us zero pesos, this has never happened. The three governors are fulfilling their obligations and we want this State problem shared by all to be discussed.”

To its turn, Frigeriopointed out that “We are here today in defense of our rights, in terms of being three provinces that have not transferred their Pension Fund, which has to be assisted by the National Government as the law, very precisely, demands.”

Deficit paid by citizens

On the other hand, the Secretary of Social Security of Santa Fe, Jorge Boassoindicated that “Today we calculate that Santa Fe is a creditor of the Nation for approximately 800,000 million pesos. So far in 2024 the debt reaches 172,000 million pesos, already much more than all of 2023. All of this deficit is paid by all Santa Fe residents.”

The presidents of the Pension Funds of Entre Ríos also expressed their position, Gaston Bagnat; and from Córdoba, Adrian Daniele.

In turn, the president of the Chamber of Deputies, Clara Garciaindicated: “We are interested in the Santa Fe Pension Fund remaining in the orbit of Santa Fe. We welcome and support the claims to collect the debt, but also to legitimize our right to collect it. Hopefully this will be another historic milestone.”

Meanwhile, the provisional president of the Senate and senator for the San Cristóbal department, Felipe Michligruled that “We are demanding what belongs to us, so that federalism is definitely fulfilled in the Argentine Republic, as defined by our National Constitution.”

In addition, the provisional president of the Legislature of Córdoba, Facundo Torres Lima, and the president of the Chamber of Deputies of Entre Ríos, Gustavo Hein, referred to this situation.

Also participating in the meeting were the provisional president of the Legislature of Córdoba, Facundo Torres Lima; the president of the Chamber of Deputies of Entre Ríos, Gustavo Hein; the presidents of the Entre Ríos Retirement Funds, Gastón Bagnat; and from Córdoba, Adrián Daniele; former governors of the province of Santa Fe, national and provincial legislators, ministers and secretaries of the Executive powers of the three provinces, representatives of the Executive Board of the Central Region: for Santa Fe, Claudia Giaccone; for Córdoba, Juan Carlos Massei; and for Entre Ríos, Jorge Chemes; among others.

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