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The Entre Ríos Senate gave the “go-ahead” to the project that aims to prevent the risks of online betting – News

The Honorable Chamber of Senators of Entre Ríos held, this Thursday, the ninth Ordinary Session corresponding to the 145th Legislative Period. It was chaired by the first vice president Rafael Cavagna (Nogoyá- Together for Entre Ríos), replacing the vice governor and president of the Senate, Alicia Aluani, who is in charge of the provincial Executive.

During the session, legislators gave partial approval to the bill presented by Senator Juan Cosso (Villaguay- Más para Entre Ríos) which aims to implement in Entre Ríos a preventive campaign aimed at children and adolescents, on the risks of online gambling. The initiative also includes the dissemination of material, training of teachers on the subject, holding of conferences and workshops, coordination with civil society organizations as well as the detection and referral to the social-health care system in the event of suspected cases of gambling addiction, among other actions.

When requesting the floor, Senator Cosso expressed: “It is a problem that affects the length and breadth not only of our province, but also of the country. Digital gambling has recently been considered the main addiction of the 21st century. Currently there is no regulation that is dedicated to the prevention of this issue and if we give half a sanction to this bill, Entre Ríos will be at the forefront in addressing this issue.”

When substantiating the initiative, the legislator clarified: “What we are looking for is not a prohibition, but rather attacking this issue from prevention through a very strong campaign with a transversal approach, involving the General Council of Education (CGE), the Ministry of Health, the Provincial Council for Children, Adolescents and the Family (COPNAF), the Scholarship Institute, and the Institute of Financial Assistance for Social Action of Entre Ríos (IAFAS) as the application authority. He also joined the Communication and Press Secretariat of the Provincial Government, he explained after thanking the committee for its work “because they made very important contributions to the project and supported it from the first moment.”

For his part, Senator Ramiro Favre (Colón- Together for Entre Ríos) stated: “What interests us and we always put forward is prevention, raising awareness through these programs. The IAFAS together with the General Council of Education had already been working but we believe that other actors are needed and to do so it is necessary to reach all corners to do serious work,” the legislator noted.

Aluani expressed his support

It is worth mentioning that the lieutenant governor and president of the Senate, Alicia Aluani, has expressed concern about the increase in online gambling among children and adolescents. That is why she expressed her support for the senators who promoted the initiative, necessary to raise awareness and prevent online betting on different platforms that are booming today and are easily accessible to young people.

It’s Law

Unanimously, the Entre Ríos Senate turned into law the project that proposes changes to provincial law 10,412, referring to the College of Social Work Professionals of the Province of Entre Ríos. Regarding the initiative, the senator for the Gualeguaychú department, Jaime Benedetti (Juntos por Entre Ríos) asked to speak to report on the work carried out in the Commission. The legislator recalled that the project had half a sanction from Deputies unanimously.

Among the additions is the mechanism for access to registration of the profession, the recognition of professional specialties, so that the College itself is the entity that can grant certification. In addition, the name is modified and will become “College of Social Work Professionals of Entre Ríos”. Another point that is incorporated is to enable the holding of virtual assemblies, taking into practice a work mechanism that emerged during the pandemic.

Other projects

Likewise, the legislators approved the bill by Senator Rubén Dal Molín (Federation- Together for Entre Ríos), which introduces modifications to Law 11,139, referring to the session of some properties in the town of Santa Ana, in the Federation department.
When speaking, the legislator explained the initiative to the body and highlighted the importance of the organization of the town’s urban plan. “It is nothing more than ownership regulation,” he remarked. He also mentioned the historical background that dates back to 1991, when the transfer of real estate from the National State to the province was carried out, before the new location of Santa Ana, which was impacted by the construction and operation of the dam. Big Jump.

The senators discussed on tables, a draft declaration authored by Senator Gladys Domínguez (Feliciano- Más para Entre Ríos), for which she declares the project “Vivencias del Litoral” of the Graduate in Folklore with a mention in Folklore Dances and Tango, Federico, of interest. Curzio, within the framework of International Dance Day, which is celebrated every April 29.

During the session, legislators also discussed 8 draft declarations and 4 draft communications.

Deputies’ Projects

During the session, the draft law authored by Deputy Mariel Ávila and Deputies José Maria Kramer, Laura Stratta and Yari Demian Seyler was also discussed, by which the implementation of the logo “International Symbol of Universal Accessibility” created by the United Nations Organization 2015-UN is adopted throughout the territory of the province of Entre Ríos.

The draft law authored by the Executive Branch was also discussed, authorizing the Superior Government of the Province to transfer, as a donation in favor of the Municipality of Gualeguay, a property of its property, located in the province of Entre Ríos, department of Gualeguay, Municipality of Gualeguay, Survey Plan No. 17,287, Provincial Item No. 108,625.

And the draft Law authored by the Executive Branch was treated, on the Provincial Regime for the Promotion of the Knowledge Economy. The three initiatives will be discussed in the General Legislation Commission.

Senators’ Projects

In the legislative debate this Thursday, three senators’ projects that will be sent to the corresponding commissions were also discussed, which are detailed below:

The bill authored by Senator Claudia Silva and Senators Marcelo Berthet, Juan Diego Conti, Juan Pablo Cosso, Patricia Díaz, Gladys Domínguez, Nancy Miranda, Martin Oliva and Víctor Sanzberro, by which the FEIEX (Specific Fund) is created Extraordinary Income) destined to carry out works of: sanitation, generation of renewable energy, care of the environment, productive and industrial infrastructure and promotion of the knowledge economy in the towns of Entre Ríos.

The bill authored by Senator Berthet, which creates the “Transfer and Stay Program for Patients and Companions” for all outpatient medical patients of any pathology and, where appropriate, their companion; and also the companions of those hospitalized patients who must be transferred to a more complex center, domiciled in the province of Entre Ríos. File No. 15,014.

The bill authored by Senator Díaz and Senators Berthet, Conti, Cosso, Domínguez, Miranda, Oliva, Sanzberro and Silva, which creates a special “teacher ticket” regime for users of the provincial transportation system of passenger buses in their urban, suburban and interurban and long-distance services, intended for teachers belonging to public educational institutions of state management and private management with contributions from the State at all levels, including vocational training, high school and special schools that are located in the Province of Entre Ríos.

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