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They held an artistic day for young people at the Casa del Chubut in Buenos Aires

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With the central objective of promoting cultural activities in order to promote the talent of young people from Chubut, the Government of the Province that leads Ignacio “Nacho” Torresled to the House of Chubutthe realization of the third edition of the “ChubuteArt“; an artistic exhibition aimed at young people from Chubut who reside in the Autonomous City of Buenos Aires.

With a wide participation and call, the official representation of the Government of Chubutlocated in the heart of downtown Buenos Aires, hosted all types of cultural activities: music, painting, drawing, photography, poetry and dance. All of them, framed within the proposals generated in the Department of Culture, Education and Youth by the same young people who are living outside the Province of Chubut.

In this regard, the general director of the Casa del Chubut, Federico Puratichsaid that “it was a great multicultural event organized entirely on the initiative of the young Chubut people in the capital and from the Casa del Chubut we accompanied them and supported their initiative, in addition to being open to new proposals that come from different areas.”

In this new edition, visual artists stood out, Azul Acosta, Martina Acevedo, Agustina Vázquez Acevedo, Keila Gálvez, Fabricio Bonicatto, Martina Orozco, Fiorella Suarez, Augusto Leiva, Guadalupe Gallego, Sol Montecelli, Felipe Cutro and Stefano Ieraci. While in music they did Alejo Aguilar, the duo composed of Débora Knorr and Elián Visa and Lexlyam – Dylan Gómez. While the dance was in charge of Rocío Sastre and Azul Petrillán.

The event was organized by Shavi Bellido, Lisandro Labastié, Lucia Itatí González, Eugenia Etchaide, Catalina Rapalir and Oriana Barrera. And coordinated by the Art manager and curator, Joaquin Sanchez Trabol.

“Building a community in Buenos Aires”

From Casa del Chubut it was reported that the purpose of this cycle is to encourage the meeting of students in Buenos Aires and offer them a place of belonging: “The objective is for them to be together and form a community, to be able to help and accompany each other. From the House we accompany the children in the process, in whatever they want to do, providing them with resources and collaborating with the organization”, highlighted Puratich.

In that sense, Joaquín Sánchez Traboloriginally from Comodoro, a student and art curator, pointed out the difficulty of entering the Buenos Aires scene: “when one comes to Buenos Aires as an emerging artist from the province, it is very complex to enter, to be in circulation with works and with artistic spaces.”

While one of the attendees at the event, Emmanuel Franco, coordinator of the Education area of ​​the Palais de Glace, critic and curator of Contemporary Art, highlighted “how pleasant and rich it is to be able to see in Buenos Aires a series of images and imaginaries by artists from the south, which come to strengthen and amplify the local scene . To give visibility to practices that exceed Buenos Aires.”

Finally, Rocío Sastre who participated in the call with a dance number, highlighted: “being in such a big city it is essential to create a community to help us and empower us.”

Department of Culture, Education and Youth of the Casa del Chubut

The area is aimed at those young people of the Province who, due to different circumstances, are living in the Autonomous City of Buenos Aires, or surrounding areas, and operates at the Casa del Chubut headquarters located at Sarmiento 1172.

Our role is to listen, support and accompany the projects that arise from them. That is why from the Casa del Chubut we call on you so that you have your space, that you feel comfortable and that you propose”concluded the general director, Federico Puratich.

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