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The #RumboALaCOP16 tour arrives in Montería

Today, Thursday, COP16, the global call to protect biodiversity, arrives in Montería, the capital of Córdoba, where it will be the venue for the fifteenth stop of the #RumboALaCOP16 workshops, led by the Ministry of Environment and Sustainable Development, spaces for participation that will allow for discussion, hand in hand with communities, of the biodiversity protection goals that the country will propose this year to the countries of the world at the Conference of the Parties on biodiversity, which will be held in the country in October of this year in its 16th version. #COP16Colombia.

During the workshops, the more than 150 participants in person and via social networks for citizens in general will be able to learn about the Biodiversity Action Plan of Colombia, the conservation actions, sustainable use of biodiversity, among others, that will be implemented in the next 6 years, to meet international objectives.

“We are telling citizens how they can participate in the generation of the Action Plan that we must present as a country and which it is important that it be built with the participation of the community. We mobilize as a Government throughout the territory, so that everyone who wants to be part of the purpose of caring for the biodiversity of Colombia and the planet can do so and participate in the purpose of making Peace with Nature,” said the Minister of Environment, Susana Muhammad.

Colombia aims, this year, to be one of the first countries in the world to have the Action Plan, with which it seeks, among others, to stop and reverse the loss of biodiversity, ensuring a positive future for nature. A discussion that began with the construction of the Kunming-Montreal global framework, discussed in 2022, at the last COP.

With the #RumboALaCOP16 participatory workshops, the Ministry of Environment and Sustainable Development works on the bets that will be presented in October, during the COP16 of Biodiversity, in this global event, Colombia sends a message to the world to make ‘Peace with Nature.

What is #COP16 Biodiversity?

It is the global biodiversity call that takes place every 2 years in the world, it brings together all the countries that make up the planet and seeks to establish, for 12 days, agreements that allow protecting and saving the biodiversity of the earth.

In technical terms, it is The Conference of the Parties (COP), the parties are the countries of the world, linked to the Convention on Biological Diversity, an international treaty adopted at the Earth Summit in Rio de Janeiro in 1992 and which entered into came into force in 1993, with the purpose of conserving biological diversity, seeking sustainable use and guaranteeing the fair and equitable sharing of the benefits derived from the use of the genetic resources of the species.

The Biodiversity COP is an international space to establish agendas, commitments and action frameworks in relation to the conservation of biodiversity and ecosystem services, and address challenges such as the climate crisis, the loss of natural habitats, the overexploitation of natural resources. , among others.

It is held every two years and brings together representatives from more than 190 member countries of the agreement, as well as intergovernmental organizations, non-governmental organizations, civil society and other relevant actors.

This year, the government achieved the change that The COP in its 16th version will be held in Cali, Colombia, between October 21 and November 1, 2024.

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