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The pain of Guadalupe Lucero’s father over Loan and the connection with Mendoza

The whereabouts of Guadalupe Lucero

Guadalupe Lucero disappeared on June 14, 2021 in the 544 Homes neighborhood of San Luis. To this day nothing is known about the little girl.

With the Loan case, the girl’s father relives everything that happened in his family. “It makes you relive everything, because the truth is that what is happening is something very strong.”. In my case they never arrested anyone, the truth is that there is nothing, unfortunately there is nothing,” he explained.

In that sense, the man stated that “Unfortunately, in Loan’s case, work was done much faster than in my daughter’s case.”

“On the third day they had detainees, something that there has never been a detainee here for my daughter’s cause. The truth is that with the issue of the Sofía alert they were also a little faster. I hope one day we can get something for my daughter’s cause,” he said.

“The disappearance of a child is something difficult. I always say, let’s see, I don’t want to make comparisons or anything. I believe that a person, when they have a deceased child, knows where to bring them flowers, they know where to go, right? I don’t want to compare pain, because obviously everyone hurts in their own way. But I think so, the fact of having a missing son is totally difficult, not knowing how he is, if he is okay, Let’s see if he is alive or not, if they have him well, if he eats or not,” said Lucero.

And based on this, he summarized: “You live with constant anguish.”

In this context, manHe sent “strength and hugs” to Loan’s relatives and asked them “to have faith, to trust.”

“Thank God the police there are working quite well. Trust in God that everything will be fine. As a dad, I feel her (Guadalupe) alive. And I will continue looking for her all my life,” she concluded.

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