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Mayor of El Tala: “This is not the time to divide or confront” – Nuevo Diario de Salta | The little diary

In dialogue with Nuevo Diario, the mayor of El Tala Daniel Ponce, and one of the quickest collaborators in this new era of the Forum of Mayors, offered a detailed vision of the decision to appoint Marcelo Moisés as the new president of the Forum of Justicialist Mayors from Salta.

According to Ponce, this election reflects a collective effort to face current and future challenges with unity and a federal perspective.

Ponce stressed the importance of teamwork and consensus in these difficult times, both for Argentina and for the province of Salta. “This is not the time to be dividing or confronting each other. The best way is to work together and give each other a hand as much as possible,” said Ponce. This spirit of collaboration is fundamental for the forum, which aims to continue with work of consensus and balance.

Regarding the legacy of Daniel Moreno, the previous president of the forum, Ponce was emphatic: “Both the work that Daniel did and the work that Marcelo did as vice president of the forum… fills us with satisfaction, but also fills us with new challenges that must be met.” The continuity and experience accumulated by the members of the forum are seen as essential pillars to face the difficulties that lie ahead.

Forum Screenings

Regarding the challenges, Ponce highlighted the need for a national government with a federal perspective to be able to carry out large-scale works in the municipalities, such as roads, sewers and housing. “We hope to be able to bring solutions to our people because our people’s solutions are works of great magnitude,” he said. Furthermore, he emphasized the importance of supporting the governor and working as a team to achieve these aspirations. The new president of the forum, Marcelo Moisés, is seen as a key figure to represent this federal perspective. “Marcelo Moisés is going to explain this federal perspective very well,” said Ponce. This approach aligns with a stance that goes beyond traditional political ideologies, focusing on the needs and well-being of the people. “I believe that these are not the moments to identify as a Peronist, or to be a libertarian, or anything like that… the people who are suffering a lot, who do not make ends meet, who do not have to eat, that is the flag we have what to wear today,” he explained. In the area of ​​projections and projects, Ponce mentioned the creation of a job bank that will benefit the entire interior of the province, especially in the mining sector. “A fund is being finalized that is going to be really very beneficial… for the entire interior of the province,” he indicated. In addition, he highlighted the importance of training people and promoting labor and educational inclusion.

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