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Mineducación will link more than 1,800 teachers from Cauca to the official plant

Mineducación will link more than 1,800 teachers from Cauca to the official plant

“Guaranteeing the right to education for children and young people in dignified conditions in Cauca schools cannot wait. The Ministry of Education team will be present in the area to ensure that teachers are in the classrooms after the school break”: Minister Aurora Vergara Figueroa.

Updated: June 27, 2024

Guaranteeing the right to education of children and young people in conditions of dignity in Cauca schools cannot wait. “The Mineducación team will be present in the territory to ensure that after the school break, teachers are in the classrooms”: Minister Aurora Vergara Figueroa.

Popayán (Cauca), June 26, 2024. The Minister of National Education, Aurora Vergara Figueroa, led today in Popayán the ‘Expanded Table for Education in the Department of Cauca’, which brought together teachers, rectors of educational institutions, indigenous peoples, Afro-descendant communities, farmers, unions and local authorities.

“We have arranged the resources so that more than 1,800 teachers from Cauca can join the official teaching staff, which will benefit ethnic communities and will allow us to provide a permanent and quality educational service in this department. It is necessary that local authorities prioritize these contracts in the next three weeks,” said the minister, Aurora Vergara Figueroa, during her speech.

For his part, Mauricio Katz, director of Strengthening Institutional Management of the Vice Ministry of Preschool, Basic and Secondary Education, extended an invitation to the Department’s Secretariats of Education. “Let us make a collective effort to locate the teachers of Cauca with agility. From the Ministry of Education we will accompany the local institutions in the appointment exercise, we will provide guarantees to the teachers and we will accompany the process of the classroom teachers” , said.

This announcement was welcomed by the ethnic communities of the region. “Today, after 20 years of struggle, thanks to the political agreement with the Government of Change we have achieved, as a Regional Council, a guarantee of job stability for our facilitating teachers and to operationalize the Own Indigenous Educational System (SEIP),” said Eduardo Chindoy, Senior Advisor of the CRIC.

For Naudy Arboleda Palomino, legal advisor of the Community Councils of the municipality of Timbiquí, “the appointment of teachers in Cauca is important because the rights of Afro-descendant and indigenous communities are prioritized, it allows greater stability for teachers and their families, and promotes territorial equity.”

Advances in educational matters in the department of Cauca

Strengthening Secondary Education:

A plant of 50 new teaching positions was made viable for the Integrated Secondary and Higher Education Systems (SIMES) of the Pacific coast of Caucano and Suárez, worth 3,461 million pesos and benefiting 5,639 students. The Secretariat of Education of Cauca has received support in the provision of these positions in concert with the ethnic-territorial authorities of the municipalities of Buenos Aires, Morales, Piendamó, Suárez, Guapi, Timbiquí and López de Micay.

Comprehensive Training for the Improvement of Educational Quality:

343 educational establishments in Cauca benefit from this strategy and 194 new teaching positions were made available for Comprehensive Training tutors with an additional allocation of resources from the General Participation System (SGP) for 13,462 million pesos, plus support for the Certified Territorial Entity (ETC) of Cauca in the provision of these positions.

Teacher Training:

Through the Popular Pedagogical Power strategy, 55 scholarships for master’s degrees and doctorates have been awarded to teachers since 2024, with an investment of 1.6 billion pesos.

Initial education:

198 new early childhood teachers were made available with additional resources for 13,739 million pesos, in accordance with the strategy to expand initial education care in the department. The progress as of December 31, 2023 is 74,209 boys and girls with Initial Education, of which, 13,599 were enrolled in official preschool grades, and 60,610 correspond to the ICBF care modalities.

School Feeding Program:

When this Government arrived, Cauca received 23,000 million pesos and in 2024 it increased to 56,000 million, which represents an increase of 62% of PAE resources. Currently, 197,943 students are beneficiaries of the program in the department and the indigenous population has universal coverage.

Higher education:

During the two semesters of 2023, the Government of Change, through the free ‘I Can Study’ policy, invested nearly 48 billion pesos in financing the tuition of 45,724 students from Cauca who managed to access higher education public.

In the first semester of 2024, the public Higher Education Institutions of Cauca had $31 billion to finance free tuition for 26,140 students. For the second half of 2024, the allocation of the free policy reaches $32 billion.


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Guaranteeing the right to education of children and young people in conditions of dignity in Cauca schools cannot wait. The Mineducación team will be present in the territory to ensure that after the school break, teachers are in the classrooms”: Minister Aurora Vergara Figueroa.

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