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Joint claim by Llaryora, Pullaro and Frigerio to the national government for the cut in the sending of funds

The governors of Córdoba, Martin Llaryora; from Santa Fe, Maximilian Pullaro; and from Entre Ríos, Rogelio Frigeriomembers of the Center Regionsigned a declaration to claim before the National government for him failure to comply with the legal commitment to finance the deficits of the pension systems of the three provinceswhich were not transferred to the national level.

This situation is a common problem, and through this document signed by the leaders, the aim is to demand compliance with current regulations without confrontation or dispute, but rather through the predisposition to achieve the fair composition of the interests at stake.

“Beyond being three governors from different political spaces, we are putting the interests of the Central Region above any ideological issue. And those are the interests of each of our people, because the retirement issue becomes a central issue and we must begin to give it concrete definitions,” defined Llaryora.

The governors expressed their willingness to establish dialogue bodies to achieve the objectives set within the framework of the postulates of a concerted federalism, and thus seek alternative solutions to the issue raised urgently in order to avoid further damage.

For this reason, it seeks to address, jointly and by consensus with the National State, the problem of financing the deficits of the pension systems, so as to guarantee the sustainability of the aforementioned systems, the rights of retirees and pensioners, and equal and equitable treatment with the rest of the provinces that transferred their pension systems to the federal level.

It should be noted that The National Government has the obligation to comply with the aforementioned financing, seeking to maintain the equality of all provinces in pension matters.since in those that did transfer their respective regimes, their systems are supported with national funds.

Llaryora maintained that “now they do not even comply with the sending of the funds that have to be automatic. This never happened. Because taxes are paid, they reach ANSES, but they are sending us zero pesos.”

Only in the case of the province of Cordoba, The debt at updated values ​​amounts to more than 431 billion pesosof which almost 68 billion correspond to the period from January to June of this year and more than 74 billion to the period from May to December 2023.

On the other hand, the Nation maintains a debt with the Province of 288 billion pesos, which is judicialized, and corresponds to the periods 2020, 2021, 2022 and from January to April 2023.

Llaryora, Pullaro and Frigerio They agreed that this claim must be supported by the legislators of the three provinces. «Today we are supporting governability, but this issue cannot stand any longer. “We have done many things with internal duties in each of our boxes, making a historic economic effort”emphasized the Cordoba governor.

The declaration establishes, in turn, that until adequate, viable and fair solutions are agreed upon for the issues described, each of the provinces will initiate and/or continue with the pertinent claims and actions, in defense of their own rights and rights. those of their respective citizens.

The governor of Between rivers, Rogelio Frigerio He stressed that “we are united by this historic claim, that the provinces that have decided not to transfer their provincial pension fund have equitable treatment with those that did. It is a forceful and precise claim, we want what corresponds to us by law, we want to correct this error through dialogue, through seeking consensus, explaining the problem and trying to make the national authorities understand it.”

For his part, his pair of Santa Fe, Maximiliano Pullaro: “We will continue to raise this issue with the National Government, but there is an arbiter, the Supreme Court of the Nation. The different national governments always dip into the same coffers, making cuts to the productive interior of Argentina and to those of us who do our homework permanently.”

The governor was accompanied by the president of the Retirement, Pension and Retirement Fund of Córdoba, Adrián Daniele; the provisional president of the Legislature, Facundo Torres Lima; and the Secretary of Regional Integration, Carlos Massei.

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