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García Zalazar participated in a new meeting of the Mendoza Educational Network: Mendoza Government Press

The Minister of Education, Culture, Children and DGE made a positive assessment of the first months of the administration and talked about what is to come in a meeting attended by education directors from all over the province.

Tadeo García Zalazar headed this Thursday, the second meeting of the Mendoza Educational Network.

This time with San Carlos as the setting, the Minister of Education, Culture, Children and DGE presented the balance of the first semester of his administration and told of the actions that are coming for the second half of 2024.

Ministry officials, local mayor Alejandro Morillas and education directors from all departments met there.

The goal? Continue strengthening ties and generating joint actions to improve the educational service. In fact, García Zalazar recalled that he has already coordinated with 13 communes the destination of the Educational Financing that the Province shares in its annual Budget and how they will contribute to its development.

During the evaluation, the minister highlighted the results of the Reading Fluency Census, with a percentage improvement of 30%; the progress in the creation of homes for children and adolescents (one of the 12 has already been inaugurated), the opening of the 63 3-year-old rooms and programs such as Family Care and Sponsorship.

The management hierarchy competition and the implementation of actions to address the problem of online gaming in schools were other goals he mentioned.

He also pointed out the improvements and expansions in the framework of the school infrastructure “with a significant investment” and the reinforcement of the learning processes in mathematics and languages.

Likewise, he emphasized the importance of cultural and artistic programs in schools and promotion of local and federal cultural identity.

He highlighted, on the other hand, how the agreements with the municipalities allow the system to be optimized according to the priorities that each one determines.

He also referred to the coordination with different civil society organizations and the private sector, such as ADERPE, Natura, Bemberg and Pérez Companc, to carry out initiatives that benefit students.

In conclusion, he analyzed: “We believe that this provincial strategy is on the right track, the objective of strengthening early childhood and reinforcing and improving language performance indicators in primary and secondary school has been met, as well as the first sample test of math”.

While he pointed out as objectives “a training plan for the second semester and above all, programming the infrastructure for all levels for the future, mainly in early childhood.”

Finally, directors and representatives of culture and childhood areas shared their experiences and suggestions.

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