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In Misiones, more than 150 tests are carried out per month

Every June 27th, National HIV Testing Day is commemorated. To commemorate the date, the Ministry of Health of Misiones carried out free tests in the provincial capital.

June 27th is the National Human Immunodeficiency Virus Testing Day or HIV. This is an opportunity for promote access to testing for the detection of infection. Also, to inform about the importance of performing this analysis. In this framework, the Ministry of Public Health of the province held an awareness day in the missionary capital.

With great participation, the central activity was to promote the realization of the HIV test, through rapid testsWhat are they Safe, free and confidential. Per month, there are 1,000 More than 150 diagnostic tests in different parts of the red earth.

In this context, the person responsible for the Provincial HIV, STI and Viral Hepatitis Program, Fabián Zelaya, commented that “Today we came to mark this day for those people who do not know their serological status, so that they have the possibility of attending the test, where in 20 minutes, at most, they can obtain the results”.

In that sense, he emphasizes that “In the last three years, the province has been covering an average of between 150 and 170 tests per month”, he added. He explained that this means that “we are doing well in terms of awareness and prevention, in addition, activities like this greatly encourage more people to be able to access testing to achieve an early diagnosis.”

Regarding rapid testing, he noted that in Posadas, People can access the program that is located within the premises of the Pedro Baliña Hospitalin it Maternal and Neonatal Hospital and in the Missions High Complexity Laboratory (LACMI).

About HIV

HIV is a virus that attacks the body’s immune systemspecifically a type of cell that plays a crucial role in defending against infections. Over time, HIV can destroy so many cells that the body can no longer fight off infections and diseases. This advanced condition of HIV is known as AIDS. (Acquired immunodeficiency syndrome).

The only way to know for sure if you have HIV is to get tested. Antiretroviral therapy (ART) is highly effective at controlling the virus, helping people living with HIV live long, healthy lives and significantly reducing the risk of transmission.

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