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National Workshop on Parasitology takes place in Camagüey

Camagüey, June 27.- The IV National Workshop on Parasitology Carlos Finlay Villalvilla In Memoriam began today in this city with the presence of veterinarians, microbiologists, parasitologists, epidemiologists and other specialists involved in research and assistance on these issues.

During her inaugural lecture, Dr. Lianet Monzote Fidalgo, head of the Parasitology Department at the Pedro Kourí Institute of Tropical Medicine (IPK), stated that the topic in question is a priority for public health with a humanistic meaning.

He also highlighted that in this branch Cuba historically shows interesting contributions and currently it is essential to publish the results of research in sites and magazines with greater reach and visibility in order to socialize knowledge internationally.

With the presence of scholars from Santiago de Cuba, Sancti Spíritus, Villa Clara, Havana, Isla de la Juventud and Camagüey, issues such as native parasitosis, National Intestinal Parasitism Surveys, exotic parasitosis for Cuba, Veterinary Public Health, Pharmacotherapy were discussed. and Natural and Traditional Antiparasitic Medicine.

Yanet Basulto Del Pozo, president of the Microbiology chapter in this district, said that since 2019 the event has been held in Camagüey territory, as an opportunity to highlight the work of microbiologists, as it is the birthplace of Carlos Finlay Villalvilla, illustrious Cuban parasitologist, great-grandson of the eminent Camagüey scientist Carlos J. Finlay.

All the research work we have been doing for years on the various parasites and related diseases that affect humans is being presented in this workshop, Basulto said.

The meeting, which will meet until Friday the 28th, in plenary sessions and commissions through workshops, round tables and electronic posters, pays tribute to the Father of Cuban Parasitology, Doctor of Sciences Pedro Kourí Esmeja. (Text and photo: ACN)

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