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Together with the National Director of Risk Management, the governor and mayors evaluate the emergency due to rains in Boyacá

In addition to the Departmental Council for Disaster Risk Management (CDGRD), the director will carry out technical visits to different critical points in Boyacá.

Together with the governor and the mayors of the department, they meet with the aim of coordinating actions and strategies to deal with emergencies resulting from the rains. Photo: Gerson Flórez/Boyacá Sie7e Días.

Governor Carlos Amaya chaired, together with Carlos Carrillo, a Departmental Council on Risk Management, which, according to the National Unit for Disaster Risk Management (UNGRD), was attended by nearly 90 of the 123 mayors of the department of Boyacá.

The meeting that had been managed by the leader of the Boyacenses himself, finally ended up taking place during part of this Thursday morning, at the Sochagota Hotel in Paipa, where mayors and staff of the Departmental Council for Risk Management also arrived. , leaders of the different relief and emergency organizations as well as the Police and Army.

“The director of the National Unit for Disaster Risk Management (UNGRD), Carlos Carrillo, is leading a two-day technical visit to the department of Boyacá to evaluate the damage caused by the recent rains in the region,” the entity explained. national.

In addition to the meeting that began after 10:30 in the morning and will last until after 2:00 in the afternoon, technical visits will be made to critical affected points, such as the road on the Sisa bridge between Tibaná and Chinavita, in the municipality of Úmbita, and in the municipalities of Macanal, Santa María and San Luis de Gaceno.

“This is a visit that I consider very important and that we can do it despite the fact that there are already complex and delicate situations here in the department, it is a key visit before the difficult days begin,” said director Carlos Carrillo, director general of the UNGRD.

And the manager added that at these points, the Unit’s technicians will carry out field work to identify the main risks and threats that affect local communities.

Likewise, the solutions to be implemented by the authorities of 81 of the 123 municipalities that make up the department of Boyacá where emergencies due to rain have occurred will be evaluated.

“The main objective of this visit is to evaluate the state of the critical points affected by the rains in the department and comprehensively address the current problems that affect the municipalities,” Carrillo stressed and added that the UNGRD will use the results of these evaluations. to prioritize and manage the execution of measures that guarantee the well-being of the communities.

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