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Argentina liberalizes prices for mobile telephony, internet and cable television

Buenos Aires, Jun 27 (EFECOM).- The Argentine government on Thursday freed up prices for mobile phone, internet and cable television services, repealing a package of regulations dictated by the Alberto Fernández administration (2019-2023).

“The Argentine economy was completely Cubanized. A bureaucrat on duty set the prices of services. With absurd regulations and limits, they never increased so much. And the quality of the service was getting worse. The solution is to eliminate inflation…”, said the Undersecretary of Press of the Presidency, Javier Lanari, on Thursday about this decision on his X account.

The resolution of the National Communications Entity (Enacom) published today in the Official Gazette annuls a series of regulations issued between 2020 and 2023, within the framework of the repeal of another 2020 decree last April, to finish changing the service characteristic of information and communications technologies (ICT) to a “competitive market” and “free pricing”.

The repealed regulations were issued during the previous Fernández Administration to establish in 2020 that ICT services were “essential public”, for which Enacom regulated prices.

But these resolutions were challenged by the service license companies and business chambers, and in some cases their application was limited by judicial measures adopted at the request of the providing companies.

Companies have begun to update their rates, as evidenced by the fact that prices for the Communications category rose by 123.5% in the first five months of the year, above the average of 71.9% and within the framework of an annual inflation of 276.4% last May.

Enacom, an autonomous entity, has been intervened by the Executive for 180 days, since last January 26. EFECOM



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