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regional prosecutor of Araucanía meets with families to report on the progress of the expertise

Two months have passed since the murder of the three police officers in Cañeteand there are still no arrests. The relatives of officers Carlos Cisterna, Sergio Arévalo and Misael Vidal, from the Fourth Police Control Station of Carabineros in Los Álamos, continue to demand justice.

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Specifically, The police were ambushed and brutally murdered on the night of April 27while carrying out a precautionary measure in the Antiquina sector, Biobío region.

The commune of Cañete will continue under curfew, as confirmed by the presidential delegate of Biobío, Daniela Dresner.Investigations are still moving forward, we have continued to have a lot of work being done. That is the reason we are maintaining the curfew.“, he claimed.

“The teams have not stopped working; The specialized teams of both the Carabineros and the prosecutor’s offices continue to work on this investigation. We hope to have results as soon as possible because this crime is a crime that cannot go unpunished.“Dresner said.

For two years, there has been a military deployment in the area under the constitutional state of exception, which was renewed on May 16. The central government and the regional government have arranged more than two thousand three hundred million pesos for the purchase of four French-made Bastion units. One of these vehicles is already operating in the southern cone of the province of Arauco and has been deployed in emergency situations, such as the recent frontal systems in the commune of Curanilahue.

The MPs have described the murder as a horrendous crime and have called for justice to be done.The regional prosecutor of Araucanía, Roberto Garrido, met with the families of the carabinieri murdered shortly before another month had passed since the attack to inform them about the progress of the investigations.

This is a very complex investigation that requires confidential and highly confidential work. For this reason, we have duly declared this investigation confidential. Notwithstanding the complexity, we have carried out a very committed and meticulous job. “We have collected information from more than a hundred people and commissioned expert investigations, both at the site of the event and the evidence collected,” said Garrido.

Along those lines, he emphasized that they are “awaiting the results and final reports of various proceedings that will allow us to continue advancing in the investigationa. In the time that has elapsed, we have strengthened certain lines of investigation and discarded others. We hope to continue working with the same rigor to quickly provide a response to society, given the interest and shock that a case of this nature generates, and mainly to the families of the victims.

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