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Pullaro: “We will move forward when federalism is respected and productive provinces are considered”

Following the meeting of the Board of Governors of the Central Region held this Thursday in the city of Santa Fe, Governor Maximiliano Pullaro said that the claim of the provinces of Santa Fe, Córdoba and Entre Ríos for the debt that Anses has with the pension systems “is a federal claim, for the construction of a better Argentina, because we will move forward when federalism is respected; and fundamentally when we look at the productive provinces, which generate wealth in the country.”

During the press conference he gave together with his counterparts from Entre Ríos, Rogelio Frigerio, and from Córdoba, Martín Llaryora, the governor of Santa Fe indicated that “in this case we join together to claim this historic and permanent debt that the Nation has with us. Today Entre Ríos, Córdoba and Santa Fe stand with great firmness, respect and responsibility, in the defense of our pension funds, and fundamentally of our resources.”

For his part, Frigerio pointed out that “this is the first time we have made this claim, once we have exhausted all administrative and political avenues. “We continue to seek all avenues for dialogue to explain to the national government what is happening, because there is an issue of inequality and illegality, because the law is not being followed.”

He also stressed that “we want to reverse this, because the national debt with our provinces is increasing every month and these are resources that we need to improve the quality of life of our people, health, education, security, and the infrastructure of our provinces.”

Meanwhile, Llaryora stated that the issue addressed today “is to defend provincial retirees and all those from Córdoba, Santa Fe and Entre Ríos. We all have the same situation, this is an issue for everyone, due to the non-compliance with the law. Today our provinces are receiving zero pesos for each of the retirees from our provinces, and they are getting paid because we are making a great effort.”

And he clarified that “it is not a discretionary situation, but rather what is required by law, because we are paying taxes, and this money would have to reach each of our Funds. Of course, we are using the money that does not arrive for other objectives, which may be to reinforce education, health, and roads.”

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