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Patagonia will reward Rio Negro entrepreneurs – ADN

(ADN).- Banco Patagonia opened registration for its Entrepreneurs of Río Negro 2024 program. The contest is promoted by the entity together with the Nobleza Obliga Foundation and various institutions in the province.

The objective is to strengthen the entrepreneurial ecosystem of Río Negro and reward the most outstanding works and those that demonstrate a significant commitment to gender equality.

This ninth edition of Entrepreneurs of Río Negro seeks to train, accompany, mentor and reward entrepreneurs with innovative ideas that positively impact their communities, through their triple impact businesses.

Those interested can apply for free at until July 28.

To complete participation, you must access online training that will allow you to strengthen each of the projects. Topics such as Finance, Negotiation Tools, Marketing, Social Networks, Emotional Intelligence, will be key in putting together each strategy. Once the training session is completed, the 20 best will be selected, who will participate in an interactive catalog, where the community will be made aware of their ventures, the history behind each project and how each one includes economic, social and environmental in their development.

Subsequently, a jury of experts – made up of the organizers, third sector institutions, municipal and provincial organizations – will select the 7 finalists who will have the opportunity to showcase their learnings obtained in the previous stage and present their ventures in a provincial final in person that will take place during the month of October. At this meeting, the three winners will be announced, who will share a seed capital of $3,350,000 in prizes.

“We want everyone who has an idea or a business underway to be encouraged to participate in this initiative. We want to give them tools to grow. Throughout eight editions, we have empowered more than 4,000 entrepreneurs. We want to continue accompanying this process of consolidation of new businesses, of new developments” remarked Heather Feehan, Head of Organizational Climate and Corporate Social Responsibility at Banco Patagonia.

The Program has the support of the provincial government, municipalities, local Chambers of Commerce and Civil Society Organizations, among others.

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