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The blue dollar registered a slight drop: how much it closed at this Thursday

With attention focused on Congress due to the debate on the Ley Bases, the dollar slowed its rise and remained stable.

For its part, the Central Bank is unable to obtain reserves in the exchange market and this Thursday it sold currency again. The monetary authority assisted the market with 85 million dollars and in June it was not able to accumulate foreign currency, registering, in the absence of a round for the end of the month, a net selling balance of US$ 46 million.

The blue dollar fell 10 pesos compared to Wednesday’s close and was traded at $1,325 for purchase and $1,355 for sale, breaking a three-day winning streak. This week it has accumulated a rise of $55 pesos.

After the daily adjustment of the wholesale exchange rate to $911.50, the gap was again below 50% at 48.66%.

In the case of financial dollars, they remained almost in the same line as Wednesday. The MEP dollar fell two pesos to settle at $1,330.11 while the cash with settlement rose four pesos to $1,345.70.

In this way, the three free exchange rates were compressed into a difference of just 25 pesos.

The value of the bill in Banco Nación is $929.50 and in the average of the banks it is $949.11.

The volume operated this Thursday in the cash segment grew compared to previous days to US$ 375.34 million and the Central Bank had to assist importers with 85 million dollars.

The monetary authority’s gross reserves fell by US$137 million to end at US$29.748 billion.

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