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It wasn’t one, nor were there two… The Attorney General’s Office will investigate parties in La Tramacúa prison in Valledupar

07:21 AM

The videos where they appear are viral on social networks Several prisoners were dancing, singing, consuming drugs and drinking alcohol in broad daylight in one of the prison yards The Tramacúa of Valledupar.

The images have generated all kinds of reactions. Many are those who reject the permissiveness of the Inpec guards and it is no wonder, in one of the videos you can hear: “Blow, blow, cocaine, marijuana, there is money, there is money”says one of the inmates, while others can be heard singing in the background.

Faced with this, in the last hours the Attorney General’s Office announced the opening of a preliminary investigation process against officials of the Inpec to be established, for his alleged responsibility in the parties that apparently have been organized regularly and without impediments in that prison.

The control body says that these people they would have illegally entered liquor and drugs into tower 3 of the detention center, known as ‘The patio of the blacks’with the consent of the staff surveillance and custody.

Among the tests ordered a disciplinary inspection will be carried out at the prison facilities with the purpose of Get security camera recordings on the dates of the supposed parties, the list of the guards who were on duty during the days in which they would have occurred and the medical records and results of toxicological tests carried out on several of the participants in the celebration.

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Additionally, Jim Muñoz, regional director of Inpec, reported that the Institute has also initiated the respective investigations.

“All procedures will be carried out to clarify the facts. It is a complex issue. Disciplinary measures will be taken with those people who are involved in these videos“Those responsible will be punished,” Muñoz explained in response to inquiries into these videos.

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In this prison center There are 1,200 inmates distributed in four towers. A few weeks ago, a fight had occurred, leaving four people injured. In addition, the Military Gaula carried out an operation that resulted in the seizure of eight cell phones, two hands-free devices, four chargers, three SIM cards, and 360 grams of marijuana.

This is not the first time that this detention center has been embroiled in investigations for the disorder within its patios. Irregular activities that are allowed to those deprived of liberty are constantly reported on social networks, which keeps them under the scrutiny of the authorities.

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