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Potosino Business Council denies support for Sheinbaum’s agenda – El Sol de San Luis

The position of the Business Coordinating Council (CCE) around the reform of the Judiciary and the National Guarddoes not represent all the business community in the country, he clarified Hector D’Argance Villegaspresident of the Potosino Business Council (CEP).

After a meeting took place last Wednesday between Claudia Sheinbaum Pardo and members of the Business Coordinating Council, the president of said organization, Francisco Cervantes expressed the support of the business community for the judicial reform initiatives proposed by the political group in power.

About, D’Argance Villegas highlighted that the Potosino Business Council and the business chambers and private organizations that make it up do not agree with this assertion.since “this position in no way represents our opinion or that of our members.”

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In that sense, he specified that the members of the CEP do not share the decision to support the reforms to the Constitution as they are proposed before the Legislative Branch, “We believe that these reforms undermine the autonomy of crucial organizations such as FEPADE, INAI, INE and the Supreme Court of Justice.”.

He added that They also do not consider it appropriate to strengthen the National Army through the integration of the National Guard.assigning tasks that correspond to the federal, state and municipal police.

For the above They called on elected federal deputies to avoid voting against the peace and social and economic stability of our nation., “you don’t build by destroying; “We must improve the efficiency of our federal entities, but always preserving and strengthening the counterweights that guarantee the division of powers and good governance with transparency.”

Finally, D’Argance Villegas reaffirmed the CEP’s commitment to the building a more just and equitable countrywhere reforms are carried out based on consensus and respect for democratic institutions.

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