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Cows caused disasters in a store in Corinto, Cauca: everything was on video

Videos shared on social media often surprise Internet users, showing all kinds of situations, from funny to painful. On this occasion, a viral video has captured the attention of many showing two cows wreaking havoc on a store.

The incident, recorded by a security camera at the establishment, It happened last Tuesday, June 26, around 5:00 in the afternoon in Corinto, Cauca. In the video, which has already accumulated more than 127,000 views and nearly 1,000 likes, the animals are seen attacking products and display cases, leaving destruction in their wake.

The owners and customers of the establishment were stunned by the scene, while the cows walked between the shelves, knocking down everything within their reach. The surprising situation left several products of the business completely damaged, causing great impact among the inhabitants of the municipality.

Until now, The owners of the animals have not been identified nor is it known what measures will be taken in this regard.The unusual and chaotic scene continues to generate reactions and comments on social media, where the video continues to circulate widely.

Watch the video:

“Look at the positive side. Not only does the gentleman have a shop, now he has a shop and 2 cows”, “The owner will have to sell them

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