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Scare in Pradera due to grenade thrown at the Police Station in Pradera, Valle

A failed attack against the Police station in the municipality of Pradera, Valle del Cauca, occurred on the afternoon of this Thursday, June 27.

Preliminarily, the authorities announced through a statement that the incident was caused by a device grenade type explosivewhich was launched by a person riding a motorcycle, but failed to explode.

“In the face of the suspicious element, the police facilities defense plan was activated, activating the verification protocol consisting of creating a security perimeter and carrying out a inspection of the element in a controlled manner by anti-explosive specialists,” the Valle Police Department detailed.

Reactivation of operations against dissidents in Cauca, Nariño and Valle.

Photo:Colombian Military Forces

Finally, they indicated that so far there have been no injuries or material damage.

They ask for strong actions

Recently, the governor of Valle del Cauca, Dilian Francisca Toro, reiterated the need for the national government forward forceful actions against the actions of armed groups.

That is why on Wednesday, June 26, he announced that the Valley government will have special technology to combat drones.

“We cannot wait who knows how long, while they are throwing grenades at us from a drone and that affects our civilian populationthen we are going to acquire them (the technological devices),” said Toro.

The president also believes that “it is urgent that the national government take decisions such as intervening in the illegal road built by armed groups that passes through Jamundí, as well as preventing illegal gas stations from continuing to operate. In addition, we need more social investment and develop programs to replace illegal economies.”


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